LaCuerda [PRO]
Get direct access to the largest collection of tabs & chords for guitar in Spanish: Through our app, you will get access to over 130,000 songs from your favorite artists in Spain, US and Latin America. Our app has been optimised for the iPhone, iPad and iPhoneX. It includes some cool features such as:
- Off-Line access: access your favorite songs even in Airplane mode.
- Create and manage your own playlists.
- Remote Backup: you can store and retrieve your favorites' list from our servers.
- Chord diagrams (for guitar and piano)
- Chord translation: adapt the tone of the song to your voice or switch beteen Do,Re,Mi and C,D,E.
- Auto-scroll
- Share buttons (email, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp)
- Print! (using AirPrint)
Don't wait anymore and install it today. You'll rock that fiesta!
App Privacy
The developer, NARROI WEBS SC, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy
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The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.
Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
LunarsFN, 01.10.2022Piano acordesI was going on setting and pressing on the piano and it don’t let me see the scores on the piano can you please fix that I payed $2.99 for Show more
Cisneros0831, 04.04.2020Not worth itI’m very disappointed in this app I look for my favorite artist and once you click on the song it’s just blank then I have to exit the app and Show more
Solboricua, 12.03.2020Love it <3As a singer teacher, I use it everyday singing with my students. I love that I can adjust the key and can roll automatic at different speeds. Thanks!
7melvin7, 02.03.2020Side appsI don’t like this update! I can’t do side by side apps. I don’t know why but it doesn’t let me put a different app next to it. It’s like Show more
isyayeet, 19.02.2020Pedos ya arregladosGracias por solucionar el provlema de no querer abrir las canciones.
Alicewarrior7, 30.01.2020Muy buenoSiempre e usado este aplicación! La única detalle que no me gusta es que hay un límite de 300 canciones en tus favoritos
gfpvsr, 22.08.2019Newer songsRecent songs requiered plsss
Julio Terraza, 25.06.2019De gran ayuda.Lo uso siempre y me saca de apuros. Lo único que en algunas canciones las notas no están 100% en el tiempo que deberían de ir, pero me ayuda mucho. Show more
julioloyo80, 07.03.2019Excelente herramientaLa práctica hace al maestro, y esta herramienta hace el resto, los 3 $ mejor pagados en mi vida! Gracias!!!!
Age Rating9+
Price2.99 USD
Size16.54 MB
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