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MINI-COMPOSER by Karl Bartos

3.92 • 9 Ratings


Karl Bartos (electronic musician, ex-KW, co-composer of songs like The Robots, The Model, Computer World,...) and Masayuki Akamatsu (media artist and author of various iPhone apps such as Banner, Oscillator, Echochops,...) create a 16 step music sequencer which is free, simple and fun. The executive producer is Jean-Marc Lederman. "We have created this simple music app for fun: it implements the basic waves of a synthesizer with a 16 step sequencer. This app is totally free of charge but we would be very glad if, as a relief to people's suffering following the earthquake and tsunami, you would consider a donation to lend a helping hand to Japan. Please make use of the link button to the Red Cross site." This application has the functions listed below. - 16 steps sequencer - Start/stop sequence - Multi-touch note input - 32 polyphonic tones + 1 drum track - 4 waves (saw, triangular, square, sine) - 4 drumbeat loops - Drums on/off - Random notes - Clear notes - Wi-Fi sync play - Additional information Please enjoy our music and think Japan. [[NOTE]] It might take one half minute to establish a Wi-Fi connection if you turn Wi-Fi on after launching MINI-COMPOSER. It would be better to connect Wi-Fi before you launch MINI-COMPOSER. If you have one iOS device, Wi-Fi connection is not needed. 【ミニ・コンポーザ】 カール・バルトス(電子音楽家、元KWのメンバーでロボットやモデル、コンピュータ・ワールドなどの共作者)と赤松正行(メディア作家、BannerやOscillator、Echochopsなど様々なiPhoneアプリの作者)は、シンプルで楽しい16ステップ・ミュージック・シーケンサを作りました。エクゼクティブ・プロデューサはジャン=マルク・レダーマン。 「私たちはこのシンプルなアプリで音楽を楽しんでいただくために作りました。基本的なシンセサイザー波形を持った16ステップのシーケンサが組み込まれています。このアプリは完全に無料です。しかしながら、地震と津波の被害を受けた人々を支援し、日本に援助の手を差し伸べる寄付を考えていだければ、私たちはとても嬉しいです。どうぞ、赤十字社のサイトへのリンク・ボタンをご活用ください。」 このアプリケーションは次の機能を持っています。 - 16ステップ・シーケンサ - シーケンスのスタート / ストップ - マルチタッチでのノート入力 - 同時発音数32音のトーンと1トラックのドラム - 4種類のウェーブ・フォーム(ノコギリ波、三角波、矩形波、サイン波) - 4種類のドラム・ループ - ドラムのオン / オフ - ノートのランダマイズ - ノートの消去 - Wi-Fi/LANでの同期演奏 - 補足情報 どうか私たちの音楽を楽しむとともに、日本に思いをはせてください。 【ご注意】MINI-COMPOSERを起動した後にWi-Fiをオンにすると、Wi-Fi接続まで30秒ほどかかる場合があります。従いまして、MINI-COMPOSERを起動する前にWi-Fi接続を行うことをお勧めします。1台のiOSデバイスを使用される場合は、Wi-Fi接続は不要です。
What’s New
このAppはApple Watch Appのアイコンを表示するようAppleにより更新されました。 iOS 10 and later compatible
Version 1.2.0
Version History

App Privacy

The developer, 正行 Akamatsu, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy

No Details Provided

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.

Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews are verified
out of 5
9 Ratings
  • ?, 27.07.2013
    Simple and fun, but emphasis on simple
    This is a fun little step sequencer that has you creating music in seconds flat. My only complaint is it might be a little too simple. There are very few presets, a rather small grid and no option to import your own sounds. Without those features this is little more than a toy. That said, I assume it was the intent of the appmaker to create something basic and fun. If that is the case, this is a success. Show more
  • [.Sun.King.], 15.04.2012
    Pretty cool
    Simple but very fun! It's easy to work with, not complicated. If you're a Kraftwerk fan, you'll certain dig this app!
  • The Bitter Herb, 13.01.2012
    Best fun ever
    It's almost therapeutic.
  • marclusious, 22.12.2011
    Love it!
    This app is simple and great. The sounds are sexy and smooth.
  • Boblio997, 20.05.2011
    Pretty fun
    Simple, fun
  • archesq, 25.04.2011
    Simple and Gratifying
    Playing around with this straight-forward mini-composer is a joy. Compose your sequence over any of four repeating drum beats -- either add a considered composition or just add notes at random, it all works, and pretty soon you have a nice little soundtrack for your next minute or two. The beats and the tones are all enjoyable, and the minimalist animation adds a surprising amount of happiness. Bravo! Show more
  • Pengun86/a real live musician, 23.04.2011
    Simple and fun
    It would get five but there no way to save and only a one octave major scale to work with. I would love to see a way to have more than one repeating measure as well. Show more
  • M1c4@3l, 17.04.2011
    I love the idea
  • hallospceboy, 12.04.2011
    Fun but...
    Some bugs and some complaints. I love the simplicity of it. Just screams kraftwork. But I kinda wish I could program my own drum sounds. I like all the synth sounds but I'd like to choose my own key. And the backgrounds could use a bit more color. It does tend to glitch when too many notes are happening but that might be my iPhone saying "whoa there guy, this is minimal not maximal!" I do like it and I would recommend it for tiny sketches or maybe to sample the synth sounds. Show more


  • Category
  • Age Rating
  • Price
  • Size
    17.64 MB
  • Provider
    Masayuki Akamatsu
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