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Spain Radio Live (Radio España)


This Spain Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for E.S. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in Spain. One of the great features provided in this app is that this app support multitasking / background mode. This means that you can listen to any of your favorite Spain radio channel and in the mean time, do other stuffs with your device such as reading books and browsing websites. Listen, enjoy, and let your favorite radio channels and music accompany you anywhere anytime :D The radio channels included in this Spain Radio Live (Radio España ES) app but not limited to are: Aart Abaran Abrera Ace Activa Adeje Ador Agua Aguere Ahora Aktiva Alc Alcala Alcoy Alija All Almer Almu Altipl Alzira AM AMC Amigo Andreu Antena Arag Aragon Aranda Arbo Arenys Arnedo Arrate Arroba Arucas Asgaya Avil AVM Axarqu Ayala AZ Azul Bages Bah BAHIA BAILE baja Balear Baza Baztan Beat beda Bedi BEGI Berga BERJA bi Bierzo Bilbo Bit Blanca Blanes Boca Bona Bonmat Boom Boreal Born Borond Borox Buelna Cadena Cadiz Calle Canal Candil Canela Canet car Caribe Caro Casas Cassa Castle Castro CCF Cebri Celra Cemu Centro Cero CEU Ceuta Cien Cieza cija Cima Cinco Ciudad Ciutat Cl CLM ClubFM Coast Coca Coco Coin Color com COMR Cono Cool Cope Corte Coru Costa Cruz Cuac Cugat Cunit Cupido Dance Das Daute de del Denia Desp Dia Dial dio Diva Doble Donana Dos Dulce Ebre Ebro Ecca Eco ED Efecto Eguzki Eibar EITB El Ela Elche Elda Elite Elx en Enjoy Enlace Eo Escala Espa Esport Este Estel Europa Europe Exit Exite Expres Falset Fari Faycan Feliu FI FIESTA Flaix Flix Flow Fly FM Foix Fresca Fresh Fuego Fuga Fun Fusi Fusion Futura Futuro Gaceta Galega Gandia Garo Gaztea Gelida Geneto Genil Gente Getafe Giga Girona Global GOGA Gold Gorbea Gran Granja Gredos Guadix Guia Gum Gustas Hala Heart Heat Hellin Hilari Hiria Hit Hola Hot Huelva Huesca Ibi Ibiza iCat Indy Inter Ir isla Islas Isora Ja Janda Javier Jazz Jerez JFK Jove Juan Jucal Kanal Kiss Klara Kras Kust Kyoto La laga Lalin Laredo Las Latina Latino ldar Le Legend Les Limia Linea Live Lleida Lloret Llosa Loca Local Logos Loja Lokura Lorca Lugo Luna Luz Madrid Magina MAI Malaga Man Mancha Mania Mar Marca Marcha Maria Marina Martos Mas Matar Mateo MAXIMA Medida Medina Mega Merlin Metr Mi Miami Miguel Mina Mix Molins Montju Mor Mora Morata Mortal Motril mpica MqR Munt Murcia Musica Musika MX Narcea Navas nea Nervi nia Nivel Non Nord Norte Nou Nova ntica nube Nueva Nuevo Oasis Ocho ODA Oeste OID Ol Olesa Olot OM Omega Ona Onda Ondas OnLife onze Optima Oranje Oye Padul Pais Palma Palmas PASION Pau Paz PCL Pego Pened Penes Pepe Perp Pica Piera Pinoso Pista Plus Polis Pomar Portal Power Prat Premia Puebla Puente Puig PULSE Punt Punta Punto Pure QD Qfm QK Quirze ra RAC Radial Radio Radiol Radion RAP Rapita rdoba Recio Rei Reig Reus Revive ria Ribera Rioja Ritmo RK RM rmula RNE Roda Rom Ronda Rotova RPA RTI Rumba Rusa Rute RVK Salle Salud Salut San Sant Santa Sants Sedna Segura SER Serena sica SIE Sierra Siete Signo Silk Sio Sis Sol Solo Son Sonica Spain Star Stereo Stop Styl Sur Surco Taoro Taranc tbol TEA Tietar tiva TKO TN TODO TORMES Toro Torre Torrox Tot Trak Tropin Ttakun Ttan Tu tua Tudela Tular Txapa Uhinak UJI Ujo UMH Uni Unica Unik UNK Uno Urban Uribe Vacio Valga Vall Valle Vasco Vega Vejer Vella Veu Via Vic Vicen Vicent Vida Viento Vigo Villas Vinilo Vip Viva Vivir VM Vox Voz Xarxa xima Xtra XtraFM XXI YAO Ycoden zar ZenFM Zona
What’s New
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. Fixed some stations.
Version 1.2
Version History

App Privacy

The developer, Teik Leong Lee, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy

No Details Provided

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.


  • Category
  • Age Rating
  • Price
  • Size
    30.52 MB
  • Provider
    Teik Leong Lee
© 2004-2025 Teik Leong Lee. All rights reserved.