Hip-Hop Beat Maker: Make Beats. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
JolieVolpe, 05.12.2022Fun but poor quality recordingThis app is super easy to use. It has a lot of options. If you have the pro version, you can record your voice over different beats. The problem is Show more
JolieVolpe, 05.12.2022Fun but poor quality recordingThis app is super easy to use. It has a lot of options. If you have the pro version, you can record your voice over different beats. The problem is Show more
SolDaBor, 13.11.2022The creamWe need a creative mode for songs
SolDaBor, 13.11.2022The creamWe need a creative mode for songs
amon04, 07.09.2022تواماناودذواولندولتل
amon04, 07.09.2022تواماناودذواولندولتل
ueudjdusuuf, 06.08.2022EdgdygSSpe
ueudjdusuuf, 06.08.2022EdgdygSSpe
does Niya, 31.07.2022FChris
does Niya, 31.07.2022FChris
Rsnate, 20.07.2022This game is a WThis game is really fun it keeps me busy it is really fun making beats keep it but. Keep making more presets. ?
Rsnate, 20.07.2022This game is a WThis game is really fun it keeps me busy it is really fun making beats keep it but. Keep making more presets. ?
gamerboykaran, 15.07.2022FreestyleFreestyle
gamerboykaran, 15.07.2022FreestyleFreestyle
PHX.AJ, 19.06.2022GoodGood selection of sounds.
PHX.AJ, 19.06.2022GoodGood selection of sounds.
fvevf ecfvgtechtre tebhthte, 17.06.2022DidYeye
fvevf ecfvgtechtre tebhthte, 17.06.2022DidYeye
1327abbb, 05.06.2022Eddison KimVN
1327abbb, 05.06.2022Eddison KimVN