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Better Ears - Ear Trainer. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • speop, 03.12.2022
    Excellent app. The best ear training app. Highly recommend!!!
  • xxmattyx, 19.01.2021
    Interval training
    I think this is a good program and I use it daily. One critique is that the interval training doesn’t use a key signature; and if I had a wish list for an update it would be to include that. It’s easy to identify intervals in C; the next level would be to add key signatures and then double flats etc. Otherwise that portion is for beginners only. Also, including inversions in the chord recognition and chord progressions would help in that area to make it more comprehensive. Great program overall though. Show more
  • Pkthomas, 01.05.2020
    Does not play over blue tooth
    Left with crappy phone speakers or headphones.
  • crazydrumcrazy, 20.06.2019
    Better ears = better musician
    must have for all musician, beginner to advanced
  • mabeal1, 16.12.2018
    Interval Training
    I’m finding this app very helpful leaning my intervals. I’ve used other simpleton apps and I was struggling but with this app I’m extremely pleased with my progress. Although, it could be just that I’ve spent more time on my piano since my first run at interval training. I find the keyboard at the bottom with the starting note labeled and able to play it with triggering it as ‘your answer’ very helpful for the learning phase. It’s also great practice to count-off your intervals on the keyboard for transferring your answer to the visual interval on the keyboard. I’m sure it’s me but this thing is addicting and I can’t wait for the next session and am racking up two or three short practice sessions a day because of the extreme convenience of using an iPad. Show more
  • David Reviewer Guy, 13.12.2017
    Note recognition broken
    Program runs but for some reason does not detect notes lower than the b string on my guitar. In its defense another program has the same issue but just one other. The rest work fine. I submitted support tickets but got no response. For 10 bucks the app should work. Not free Show more
  • Delonté Greenwell, 31.07.2017
    If you're look to better your musical ear this is the app for you, I helps you hear the differences in pitches, chords, while helping you learn scales, intervals. If you want to hear better and have more knowledge in music theory this is a great app. Show more
  • Nu Yawka, 10.06.2017
    Couldn't ask for more. Comprehensive, good range of material from beginner to pro. Highly recommended.
  • Madlip5, 30.04.2017
    Looks good so far
    I've really only been doing interval and chord recognition so far. It's nice that you can create your own sets of chords to work on. There are numerous small ways in which the app could be improved, but I have no regrets so far. Show more
  • Austenlol, 27.02.2017
    Honestly it's great. The only "game" worth your time to play
  • Zgbkdlm, 05.02.2016
    Nice app, but not good enough
    Just like the desktop Earmaster Pro, this app is great for ear training in IOS. But there is no harmony training in interval training mode which shock me, I can't believe that, Is that a designing fault? Show more
  • Luvfruitninja, 01.02.2016
    No Rhythm practice!!
    It'd would be great if you added a section to practice different rhythm's and time signatures!!
  • bassicmelodies, 02.11.2015
    I’ve always really enjoyed this app. It’s been a great resource, although this current version is struggling to keep up with the current iOS. I’m sure we all would really appreciate an update. Show more
  • fret20, 15.07.2015
    Clef choice not available
    Many, or most, musicians need to know only one clef. I only need treble clef but keep getting problems on bass clef. I don't play bass or piano.
  • Pierrerobes, 16.01.2015
    Great app, needs more options.
    I love this app. But it used to have more options. When it was called Karajan, I could customize the difficulty to only include specific intervals or chords, which is very helpful when a specific interval is giving you trouble. And there is no option for harmonic intervals. Please consider adding these features for the next update. Thanks! Show more
  • SukebanK, 04.02.2014
    Excellent App ★★★★★★★★★★∞
    I am really impressed with this app! This is the best and most complete ear training app available. It is very well engineered and has been keenly crafted to meet the learning needs of all types of musicians. It is also a great teaching tool in and out of the classroom. It is fun for all of my music students, form the very beginner to the most gifted and advanced of ability. Definitely a great buy! Show more
  • Carlos_oboe, 18.12.2013
    La mejor App!!!
    Excelente App!! Por favor pónganla en español también!
  • Visualride, 05.10.2013
    *Best music learning App
    This latest update is amazing! I'm even happier with the iPad version. The Wikipedia explanations are right where I need them and the interface is perfectly intuitive. Hats off to the design team! Show more
  • record creator, 23.11.2011
    Excellent app
    I have used this a long time. I do not know what the other people dissing it are doing. Mine has never malfunctioned. It covers a lot of ear training. I've seen some reviewers say that "this is testing, not learning." Of course, they must not have read about it before downloading. It is for ear training, not for theory. And, it is very good for learning to recognize intervals, chords, etc. You listen, you select what you think the interval is and it tells you which is correct. You listen more carefuly each time, and eventually, you get to recognize the chords and intervals by sound and hear how each is different and unique. If someone thinks there is something wrong with that, well, what can I say? Show more
  • BlaryFnorgin, 13.10.2011
    Defective, should be pulled
    Oh my God I just got completely ripped off. Should have read more of the reviews. I just bought this and it's clear I made a mistake. The chords don't work at all! These people are selling a defective product. The sound is choppy and distorted and cuts in and out. It's useless. The intervals are cool but besides that and the chords (which as I said don't work) there's really not much here. Pitch and tempo? Give me a break. I just threw away $15. I don't know if there's any way I can get a refund but I'm going to try, and if I can't I'm going to complain to Apple. Show more