Europa FM. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
g_sumindan, 18.05.2022Interferente nedoritecu WazeDe cate ori incerc sa folosesc concomitent aplicatiile Waze si EuropaFM, calea audio cade si trebuie sa repornesc aplicatia Europa FM.
Andreea 2012, 09.11.2021Problema cu appImi place f f mult postul d-voastra de radio!!! Este o problema cu app. Dupa ce ascult unul din podcasturile d-voastra este imposibil sa ajung inapoi la Live Radio. Multumesc mult!
Alexia Valenciuc634, 04.08.2017Needs more and different songsThey usually play the same songs and it can get annoying. Try some new songs and don't play the same songs a lot.
P85DL, 15.08.2015Now 99% ads...Do not upgradeAre you kidding me??? I couldn't even see the play button with so many ads on the screen. Garbage.
ALEXANDRAusaRo, 18.09.2013AppNu functioneaza in USA
Veverita Yuri, 11.02.2012One of the best apps!Multumim pentru aceasta aplicatie... Acum ascultam Europa FM in Statele Unite....keep up the good job!
-, 23.01.2011InterfațaAplicatia merge foarte bine, varog frumos lucrati la interfata. Arată foarte ieftin.
MikeOwnsU, 07.10.2010really coolit would be awesome if y'all made it background playable
Fan europa fm, 25.05.2010BravoFelicitari europa fm pentru aceasta aplicatie!
CatalinC, 13.01.2010Super tare!Bravo EuropaFM! Aplicatia merge foarte bine.
Andrei Huiban, 14.10.2009Super tare!!Ma bucur ca ati luat initiativa si ati constientizat ca aceasta nisa este in expansiune. Aplicatia functioneaza chiar bine.
Valentin Mihail, 13.09.2009What a great RadioNothing makes me happier than having this Radio. Thank u guys!
Europafmaps, 22.08.2009Nice, nice...!!!I have my iPhone connected to my car stereo and EuropaFM it make me feel home far away from home... Cool, congrats and thanks!!!!!
Vky, 19.08.2009Thanks!Un radio care îşi respecta ascultatorii ne-a oferit o aplicatie uşor de folosit și care merge perfect. Multumim Europa FM!
JuStAdsor, 19.08.2009The bestTare! Cea mai buna muzica
Danets, 19.08.2009CoolCel mai tare radio! Foarte usor de folosit progr. Multumim!!!!!!!!