AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops. Ratings and Reviews
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Ben Efitofadoubt, 19.09.2022Batting .1000!I just realized that I have all of the developer’s apps. They are all superb.
synthdude, 04.08.2022This is a GREAT and USEFUL app for worship!’I really appreciate Ryan creating this app and adding MIDI control to it as well. I use Ableton Live and Gig Performer (similar but better than MainStage-IMHO). I have Show more
Kurt52, 22.05.2022Nice on iPad, not so nice on macThis app works great and sounds great on my iPad. However under Monterey on macOS it is standalone and I can’t get it in Logic Pro X. This app needs Show more
WWTK2012, 06.05.2022“Live” Tab is quirky!The best thing about this App is that if you upload a pad in a particular key - you identify what key it is, and AutoPad will adjust that particular Show more
Oceans in space, 28.02.2022preety good drone machineNow with midi I think this will be alot better for droning. I imagine you can use another synth with this on mac, but ive only used ios. Hails Show more
Nathan LaValley, 26.01.2022This app is buggy and a resource hog.I have an m1 max 64 GB mac pro and it can't handle running one ideration of this in logic. From what I've heard from worship buddies this is a Show more
Kevingoh168, 25.01.2022Totally great experienceThe interaction, the user experience is very well thought through. I was able to organise and perform with my acoustic guitar very easily. I felt confident in delivering a good performance Show more
Christian from Calvary, 06.01.2022Better than Multitracks.comMultitracks wants to charge $10/mo to enable these same functions except this interface is far superior to theirs and this one comes preloaded with some surprisingly good sounds! Thank you Show more
EsteeNieves12345, 20.12.2021Fantastic app for pad and click!Been using the app for a couple of years now and I absolutely love it. I use it on my iPhone, make a setlist, and have it going to two Show more
DigitalDJ5, 03.09.2021Great but some issues with midi in AUMGreat application. Use it all the time. But Set List mode midi doesn’t work when used in AUM.
Super-sweet-app, 31.08.2021Beautiful samples, great designA simple design with rich samples. This app helps set the atmosphere and I love the low / high pass filter options!
titussmith, 11.06.2021Great concept horrible executionI downloaded this app because I saw a friend of mine use it with his worship team. I downloaded it and even bought the extra sounds. But when I connected Show more
shepdaniels, 01.03.2021So close!Irig BlueBoard only puts out 4 notes, C, D, E, and F. The pads in this app do not midi learn so that I could assign my chord samples Show more
Roxas1991, 17.02.2021Great, Simple AppI've been using Auto Pad with my Church's praise band for over 2 years now, and I've been very satisfied with it. The main pad screen is great. I'm glad Show more
Jdkirkpatrick, 11.02.2021Great drone pads, limited functionsGreat pad sounds, but please add an option to change octaves +1 or -1!
JaiPushkarRaj, 16.01.2021Just purchased - not workingVolume is unstable and disappears. Note pads are not working. Worked for a minute and then stopped. Very disappointing.
galactronics, 14.01.2021beautiful appbest iOS music app no cap
Komobabo, 03.01.2021Great great app!I love this and use it mostly every Sunday at church! Different sounds (and the packs aren't expensive) I recommend this to anyone needing a pad sound. The only thing Show more
renealex_726, 27.12.2020No longer saves settings???Sooo I love this app I’ve been using it for about 3 years but I can not figure out why my settings are no longer saving I used to be Show more
mrtorian, 21.10.2020Found it today, gig’ing it tomorrow.What’s a better endorsement than this? Wooo!