Amadeus Topline. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
TheJoshuaRex, 27.12.2022A potentially great tool, but beware of bugs.This has a lot of exciting potential, but there is not a single feature outside of its baseline functionality that works in the current build. I’ll be happy to wait Show more
FryBanshee59, 13.12.2022Bugged featuresThe app works fine. The log in screen is bugged as many others have claimed, but logging in with Google works for me fine enough. Weirdly a Japanese error text Show more
Notafanofbanks, 21.07.2022Cannot cancel trialYou must send an email and cross your fingers. Not worth the risk. We are likely a ways off from what you are looking for anyways.
RealScire, 23.06.2022Broken appApp only had a log in / sign up screen but after that, it doesn’t open and just instantly auto-closes if I try to tap on the app to open Show more
{virgil}, 21.11.2021FAKE positive reviews.notice how there are no positive reviews.
bjarchi, 31.10.2021Cannot log in to existing accountI have an account with Amadeus code. I want to like this, because the idea is interesting - royalty free loops and etc generated allegorically. Unfortunately the web app only Show more
bbbbbbbbbbbbbex, 23.01.20210 starsThis is an awful app. If the dollar tree could produce beats they’d be better than this. It’s a corny app that presents this revolutionary guise that falls so Show more
meclizine50mg, 02.12.2020Can’t even create an account/log inI click “Create an account”, fill in my name, email, and password. I press the continue button, and nothing happens other than the button moves behind the “connect Facebook” and Show more
J.CASSEZZA, 24.11.2020Couldn’t even try it outSo it requires you to have an account to use the app. But only if you can connect with a google or Facebook account. So that was a Show more
SdeSabrosura, 26.04.2020Nothing revolutionaryWhat it pisses me off is that it uses original chord progressions from existing songs. The melodies that it generates are pathetic.
really wow no no wtfff, 10.03.2020SoI tried creating a account wouldn’t even let me do that...
Killstrong, 20.02.2020Really Corny Generic soundsThis is not a music tool. This is a toy music box that is poorly executed with generic midi instrument sounds. There is no chord or key information, no transposing, Show more
MUSIC CREDIC #1, 10.11.2019A resounding failureI thought this app could generate some good sounds, but after plenty of listens I have given up hope. The melodies are soul-less; you can’t even call them pathetic or Show more
Amazing Scientist, 17.04.2019Just terribleAll the sounds and expression of a $20 Casio keyboard from 1987 without a hint of irony. A baby could write better songs.
jma0001, 05.10.2018Ridiculously confused appInteresting for about 5 mins then it becomes so repetitive and derivative as to become annoying. Even with the sliders available to “customize” your tune it’s a toy at Show more
St Eskimo, 15.09.2018Offensively lousy songwritingIf you’ve never heard a good song you might believe Amadeus is writing great tunes. Amadeus seems to think so. But the AI is one lousy songwriter. I mean: really, Show more
policarpo, 14.09.2018App doesn’t workApp won’t Play, won’t load, and is unresponsive. Not sure how this was allowed into the store in its current state. Avoid for now. Oh well ?
suzienelson123, 08.09.2018No way thatI’m not going to have this for only 14 days without paying
vi-l, 03.07.2018The app doesn't workThe app doesn't work it says that it works only for users with invitation code.