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Speak Backwards - Recorder. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • the professor 2317, 12.06.2022
    speak backwards
    i really liked this app AT FIRST. the recordings seem to say that they are a certain length but when you try to play them, they are much shorter. now it seems they won't playback at all please fix this glitch. Show more
  • GoTh fRoGgIe, 25.04.2022
    Fun but improvements
    This app is really fun and I love it! But there are some issues….the app has a lot of apps and ik you can pay to get rid of but it’s kinda annoying! And whenever I’m abought to listen to a recording it plays an ad and then I lose the recording. Idk if this is a glitch but please fix. Tysm! Show more
  • JaimiHajzus, 21.11.2021
    Best thing ever
    So I love this and I like it because it works for me. It can do a lot of things that do actually work. The thing is I was watching a cartoon with backwards talking and when I reversed it using the app it said a word. Tho it sounds a little glitchy. Show more
  • /Han Rices, 22.10.2021
    Terrible app (don’t reccomend)
    There’s ads and it doesn’t even sound right it’s very glitchy )on iPhone( and it’s voice changed.
  • pink cat90103, 19.10.2021
    First off this app is hilarious I saw a video on YouTube and I wanted this app so bad but then I finally found it and I was so glad
  • lou lou lou125098765, 17.04.2021
    Omg it does not even make your voice go backwards it just repeats what you say faster and with a tone to make it seem legit, what liars!
  • XxAllOtherNamesAreTakenxX, 31.03.2021
    Dumbest app in the world
    Kicks you out and when you say tons of stuff it just doesn’t work thisIs ?dog water
  • Luffypunk, 07.12.2020
    Why is it so hard to say Animaniacs :(
  • j.?qwerty, 30.11.2020
    Idk why it there a way how to fix it?
  • Jay Jay Love This App, 25.09.2020
    Hard to understand
    I cannot understand this voice!!!!!!!!!
  • Spakn63, 25.08.2020
    Lame ?
    So boring! I dont know how to listen to my voice!
  • fnafgood, 11.08.2020
    very good
  • advolinhhjgcbutdho, 08.07.2020
    It only says stuff backwards
  • alyssa flamesong, 20.06.2020
    I know a little young to be writing this because the nine but still This app very bad whenever three and went on the sound stopped working even when I turned my phone on all the way I could not hear anything ? and I said two different words and they had the same sound backwards other than that this App was very good Show more
  • whynichname!, 13.04.2020
    Fun but...
    Sooo, I had a lot of fun with this game. But when it would show an add with sound the sound when I’m using the app it stops idk why but was fun. Show more
  • #unknownsononeofyourbeezwax, 07.04.2020
    This app, I don’t even know what it does! Every time I go in it, 2 seconds later, I get kicked out! I even tried downloading it again, but it STILL didn’t work. So, if I were you, I wouldn’t get this app. Show more
  • My_Name_Jeff9981, 06.04.2020
    I can’t enter the app... that’s it
  • chkr785, 03.04.2020
    Crashes everytime I open!
    I just try to use it, and whenever I open it, POOF! Closes.
  • Alexander - Pokealec, 28.03.2020
    I literally just downloaded it, and it crashes as soon as I open it. No joke.
  • Kittey princes, 26.03.2020
    Nope -_-
    So this app looked really good on the rating and the first time when I downloaded this app I pressed on it and guess what....the app kicked me out right away when I pressed on it.Then I deleted The app and downloaded it again and pressed on it and the app opened (BTW The first time I got the app and when it would kick me out I tried like 10 times)so when the app opened I recorded myself and I coudn’t hear a thing at all.So the developer can you please fix these problems. Show more