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Bloom: 10 Worlds. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
23 Ratings
  • chiefbucknell, 29.10.2020
    You have outdone yourselves with the visuals on this app! I also like rotating to landscape view for when I want to choose where sounds fall in the stereo field. I only wish I could watch this app on my AppleTV like I’ve done with Reflection, because this one is so aesthetically appealing (I recognize that’s a big ask, as AppleTV maybe doesn’t lend itself to the interactivity that iPhone or iPad offer). Show more
  • emarsili, 07.07.2020
    After several months enjoying this app I must pay my respect to the creators Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers. I’ve been using this app for various reasons: to get inspiration for a new song, to explore all the possibilities (many), to relax and meditate, to calm my pets. At times I will hit the play button and let AI play for me for hours at length. Of all the 10 Worlds my favorite are Petri, Karabekian and Mull. Some of the sounds are a bit harsh, while others remind me of Tibetan bells and such. Definitely an app to have whether you’re a musician or not. Show more
  • iudbsiwyixb7374!, 28.01.2020
    Needs more base tones
    Would be nice to have a bass world
  • Slowcurl, 29.10.2019
    Great improvement over the previous version
    Digging it. I wish it had an option where the initial composition can evolve throughout all of the worlds (ex: I start in world 1, 5 minutes later the same composition automatically passes into world 2, 5 minutes later the same composition passes into world 3, etc.). Show more
  • MusicFan312, 02.06.2019
    Great ambience
    It would be an amazing app if you included google’s chromecast support!!!
  • thenoneone, 28.03.2019
    Nice app ...
    ... It now plays in the background! Yaah! My only other very minor criticism is that some of the sounds on some of the worlds come in abruptly and harsh at times. I found this app a nice complement to the entire series of apps by Brian Eno. For instance, tap the screen with some good spacing between the notes in the “Mull” #5 World and you get something vaguely that reminds me of the “Music for Airports“ algorithm. Using the same world, if you tap rapidly with several fingers (densely) across the whole screen, you get something like a cascading harp effect ... somewhat reminiscent like that on the “Ambient 3: Day of Radiance” album. Out of all Eno’s apps, I still like the “Scape“ app the best. It is even more interactive whereby you can build your own other worldly sound scapes. If I were to suggest anything to the developers, I would say look at making a Scapes 2 type app that was different and would complement the first one. (BTW, I am STILL trying to figure out what heck the question mark slider does! Care to tell me or is it just a Red Herring?) Show more
  • IslanderStu, 21.03.2019
    Love it
    I love this app. The added richness over the original Bloom app really makes for great listening and playing. I enjoy that each “world” is revealed only after you’ve experienced the prior ones. It’s a nice touch that encourages listening over “world surfing”. The app is not for everyone but for folks who enjoy pleasant background sounds -not to mention the ability to create your own music - it’s quite worthwhile. Show more
  • know use for a nickname, 19.03.2019
    Update: No background audio FIXED
    Update: it now plays in the background. Thank you very much, developers! It now feels like a nice little ambient audio experiment while I do other things on my iPhone, which is lovely. Thank you. It makes some nice tranquil sounds I would like to listen to without staring at the screen, but the playback halts immediately when app goes to background. Including when in autoplay and timer mode, no background audio possible! The developer’s website states that all heir apps support background play but not finding it to be the case with Bloom 10, what a shame... Show more
  • DevonStation, 02.03.2019
    1000% better now it plays in background:)
    I put on my headphones start a cool tune then enjoy reading stuff on my device with awesome meditation sounds in the back ... Totally recommend getting this app... Thank you for the great update. Show more
  • AntSev, 26.02.2019
    Thank you for the background audio.
    The next thing on my wish list would be to be able to control the “density” (how close together the notes are sounded). Air had this functionality. In that way, the sounds could be more “sparse” - for meditative purposes. Oh, and to those that want it to be like Scape - well it’s called Bloom 10 - Scape 10 is three years away! But seriously, perhaps in the meantime, the developers could make a “combination mode” where a person picks a sound from one of the ten Bloom worlds, places it on the screen, then chooses the next sound, places it, etc. That would certainly introduce considerably more variety. Then again, perhaps that is just not what Eno/Chilvers intended this app to be. Peace. Show more
  • doug funnie, 23.02.2019
    BG Audio update
    Wow, going into their code and checking a box for adding background play only took 2.5 months. Review improved to 3 stars as a result. A nice revisit of Bloom, but absolutely pales next to the scope and ambition of Scape, which I honestly thing may be Brian Eno's most impressive work of all. Show more
  • KenF225, 25.01.2019
    Not only does this not work in the background, it won’t play via AirPlay either, so unless you physically plug it in you’ll have the settle with listening through your iPad speakers. Show more
  • Lordradish, 29.12.2018
    Excellent update
    I love the different tonalities. As others have mentioned, background audio would be nice. Although I certainly wouldn’t want this to turn into some multi featured complex app, a simple record feature, which could easily integrate into the few menu options, would make this perfect, as, sometimes i make a sequence that is so nice, I’d like to be able to listen to it again in its entirety. Audiobus and such isn’t really needed, but a simple record would be great. Show more
  • fff3k, 11.12.2018
    my first app, now revised
    a decade ago, i bought bloom for my ipod touch, turned a lot of people on to it. the new bloom is amazing, a lovely update to a great app. ive only just begun to explore it, but it’s beautiful. a few days later, and am loving this; a great app to get lost in, & some great sound & visuals. glad to see this updated, reinvented. Show more
  • 45bhz, 11.12.2018
    There isn’t much todo and the worlds are essentially the same. Save your cash.
  • ChicagoSlim1957, 09.12.2018
    A bit harsh
    I found the tones to be harsh and not very tranquil. Interactivity with the screen and it’s artwork were a bit dull as well. I thought Trope was a much better platform. Show more
  • Daniel_James, 08.12.2018
    Does not play in background
    Also, where are the settings to send it to stream over WiFi?
  • tapes..., 08.12.2018
    Missing background support
    I am a bit disappointed that the new Bloom can’t run in the background and also that there is not any settings menu either. The new scenes and sounds are great though. Show more
  • Future NowHere, 07.12.2018
    Amazing Sonic future now here
    Having so much fun with this. Lots of screen shot videos. Would love to also have background audio and have a freestyle mode like on bloom where we could play with more options to make this a full fledged sonic visual instrument . Maybe even support for a daw like aum or even garageband. Thank you ???♾ Show more
  • RSL60, 07.12.2018
    No Background Play Capability
    While I love the app musically and visually, I too am very surprised there’s no background play feature. It definitely needs it, and deserves it.