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Aparillo. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
70 Ratings
  • Evenol, 23.10.2020
    The View Just Widened
    Just scratching the surface of this amazing app, you realize how narrow your artistic field of view has been. The breadth of expression it invites is seductive and, at times, a little unnerving. Show more
  • Evenol, 23.10.2020
    The View Just Widened
    Just scratching the surface of this amazing app, you realize how narrow your artistic field of view has been. The breadth of expression it invites is seductive and, at times, a little unnerving. Show more
  • anickt, 21.07.2020
    This and Factory
    May be my favorite iOS synths. Fat and nasty or light and pretty plus everything in between. Great presets and as deep as you want to get!
  • anickt, 21.07.2020
    This and Factory
    May be my favorite iOS synths. Fat and nasty or light and pretty plus everything in between. Great presets and as deep as you want to get!
  • darkgoob, 21.06.2020
    Best in Class Sound (from a pro dev)
    I'm a pro iOS dev and serious amateur musician who owns nearly every iOS synth app. While there are many great iOS synths, Aparillo truly sets itself apart as a top-5 synth on this platform: - 12 filter types x 5 spatial settings (pre- or post-filter) = 120 filter configs - an orbit setting that is like a love-child between Animoog and Jasuto on steroids - intricate & truly useful displays inside each fader that show current effect level and waveform info (hard to put in words, you have to see it to believe) - tons of extremely usable presets that can be tweaked to infinity - best-in-class reverb & delay quality, could pass for Eventide There are a few cons, which is understandable since it is version 1.0.3: - not obvious how to show all the MIDI CC mappings or change them; some are a simple long press but others (like mod source assignment) don't have a clear way to toggle between settings - some UI graphics are low-rez/look pixelated on iPad Pro 11" (2020) - only one init patch (would be nice to have more templates) - does not respond to MIDI program change messages Show more
  • darkgoob, 21.06.2020
    Best in Class Sound (from a pro dev)
    I'm a pro iOS dev and serious amateur musician who owns nearly every iOS synth app. While there are many great iOS synths, Aparillo truly sets itself apart as a top-5 synth on this platform: - 12 filter types x 5 spatial settings (pre- or post-filter) = 120 filter configs - an orbit setting that is like a love-child between Animoog and Jasuto on steroids - intricate & truly useful displays inside each fader that show current effect level and waveform info (hard to put in words, you have to see it to believe) - tons of extremely usable presets that can be tweaked to infinity - best-in-class reverb & delay quality, could pass for Eventide There are a few cons, which is understandable since it is version 1.0.3: - not obvious how to show all the MIDI CC mappings or change them; some are a simple long press but others (like mod source assignment) don't have a clear way to toggle between settings - some UI graphics are low-rez/look pixelated on iPad Pro 11" (2020) - only one init patch (would be nice to have more templates) - does not respond to MIDI program change messages Show more
  • ErikSF999, 06.05.2020
    Caution: infinitely deep rabbit hole ahead. Except..
    FM synthesis can do so much more than horns and bells and even whistles,and Aparillo has pretty much everything you need to make any sound you want with just two operators. I can see this app could easily take off with the rest of my productive days on Earth if I bought the full version. Which I would in a heartbeat if it had just one more feature that is still missing from so many otherwise great iOS synth apps: custom tuning. I don’t understand why this is taking so long to become more widespread: we have a panoply of amazing tools. And one single kludge of a scale to play with most of them. Dang. Show more
  • ErikSF999, 06.05.2020
    Caution: infinitely deep rabbit hole ahead. Except..
    FM synthesis can do so much more than horns and bells and even whistles,and Aparillo has pretty much everything you need to make any sound you want with just two operators. I can see this app could easily take off with the rest of my productive days on Earth if I bought the full version. Which I would in a heartbeat if it had just one more feature that is still missing from so many otherwise great iOS synth apps: custom tuning. I don’t understand why this is taking so long to become more widespread: we have a panoply of amazing tools. And one single kludge of a scale to play with most of them. Dang. Show more
  • Codowlsky Polopumus, 21.04.2020
    This and Factory (same Dev)...
    The 2 best sounding synths on iOS - period. I have the Zeeon, Moog, Korgs, Sunrizer, etc etc etc. Aparillo sounds better, runs better (no crashes or lagging) and it integrates better within AudioBus and AUM in my experience. Simply the best in all areas. Amazing stuff, truly. Very impressed if you couldn’t tell! Show more
  • Codowlsky Polopumus, 21.04.2020
    This and Factory (same Dev)...
    The 2 best sounding synths on iOS - period. I have the Zeeon, Moog, Korgs, Sunrizer, etc etc etc. Aparillo sounds better, runs better (no crashes or lagging) and it integrates better within AudioBus and AUM in my experience. Simply the best in all areas. Amazing stuff, truly. Very impressed if you couldn’t tell! Show more
  • Skfksbsndlo, 11.03.2020
    Theatrical responsiveness
    This one is interesting and different. I like that it responds in interesting way when tweaking sounds...
  • Skfksbsndlo, 11.03.2020
    Theatrical responsiveness
    This one is interesting and different. I like that it responds in interesting way when tweaking sounds...
  • AFTR | PARTY, 10.03.2020
    Doesn’t go unnoticed
    Thank you for continuing to pour into this app. Small update, big update.. it doesn’t matter I’m just glad y’all see the potential in this one. I believe some added presets and stability improvements is the route to take, just my take on it. Show more
  • AFTR | PARTY, 10.03.2020
    Doesn’t go unnoticed
    Thank you for continuing to pour into this app. Small update, big update.. it doesn’t matter I’m just glad y’all see the potential in this one. I believe some added presets and stability improvements is the route to take, just my take on it. Show more
  • Raventhorne, 17.02.2020
    Great Sounds and UI
    This synth just sounds great and the possibilities for creating your own sounds seem endless. I honestly didn’t think you could do sound design like this with FM synthesis. I agree with other that the keyboard is limiting and should be resizable. But my biggest request would be for a UI update that supports the iPad Pro 12.9. Being a UI Designer myself I am distracted by the pixelated controls on the screen. Everything is fuzzy and not crisp. If the graphics were updated for the larger screen and the higher pixel densities of the newer devices, a 5-star rating would be no problem. I realize there haven’t been any substantial updates since this synth came out. I think it’s time. Overall great app, and worth the full version price. Show more
  • Raventhorne, 17.02.2020
    Great Sounds and UI
    This synth just sounds great and the possibilities for creating your own sounds seem endless. I honestly didn’t think you could do sound design like this with FM synthesis. I agree with other that the keyboard is limiting and should be resizable. But my biggest request would be for a UI update that supports the iPad Pro 12.9. Being a UI Designer myself I am distracted by the pixelated controls on the screen. Everything is fuzzy and not crisp. If the graphics were updated for the larger screen and the higher pixel densities of the newer devices, a 5-star rating would be no problem. I realize there haven’t been any substantial updates since this synth came out. I think it’s time. Overall great app, and worth the full version price. Show more
  • All lefty, 15.10.2019
    Stunning Sounds
    This is quite amazing. You just need to listen through to appreciate it. It would take multiple synths and effects and a ton of work to reproduce what can be dialed in very quickly here. My only request is to fix the occasional audio glitches that slip into an otherwise sublime soundscape. Show more
  • All lefty, 15.10.2019
    Stunning Sounds
    This is quite amazing. You just need to listen through to appreciate it. It would take multiple synths and effects and a ton of work to reproduce what can be dialed in very quickly here. My only request is to fix the occasional audio glitches that slip into an otherwise sublime soundscape. Show more
  • Lordradish, 30.08.2019
    One of the best
    This is one of my favorite softsynths on my pc, so I was thrilled to have this on my iPad, sounds just as good, and great for ambient cinematic music. I’m hoping they’ll port their amazing Obscurium synth, next. Show more
  • Lordradish, 30.08.2019
    One of the best
    This is one of my favorite softsynths on my pc, so I was thrilled to have this on my iPad, sounds just as good, and great for ambient cinematic music. I’m hoping they’ll port their amazing Obscurium synth, next. Show more