Whoop Triggerz Plus. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
JayCole13, 09.07.2020Thank You C-Dub?I’m not going to lie, having this app has been a true blessing in our church. Before this came along, we still had church and the Holy Ghost always came Show more
JayCole13, 09.07.2020Thank You C-Dub?I’m not going to lie, having this app has been a true blessing in our church. Before this came along, we still had church and the Holy Ghost always came Show more
mikeregod48, 09.07.2020A much needed App!I have been pastoring now for five years and in a small town that only have a select musicians.I have one musician that didn’t workouts. This App has been a Show more
mikeregod48, 09.07.2020A much needed App!I have been pastoring now for five years and in a small town that only have a select musicians.I have one musician that didn’t workouts. This App has been a Show more
Toogie Cox, 09.07.2020Whoop Triggerz plusI love it
Toogie Cox, 09.07.2020Whoop Triggerz plusI love it
pastwhit, 20.06.2020Disappointed PastorI had great expectations for using this after my musician had to be out for the birth of his new baby. I purchased a new iPad,and immediately downloaded the app Show more
pastwhit, 20.06.2020Disappointed PastorI had great expectations for using this after my musician had to be out for the birth of his new baby. I purchased a new iPad,and immediately downloaded the app Show more
SAD (94), 17.06.2020Very disappointedThis app did not work properly, I deleted the app within a week or two and was still charge for two months. The app kept freezing up. What a Show more
SAD (94), 17.06.2020Very disappointedThis app did not work properly, I deleted the app within a week or two and was still charge for two months. The app kept freezing up. What a Show more
Kvngdrummerboy54, 06.06.2020Keeps crashingEvery time I get ready to play a track or anything on the app it crashes l. Other than that I love the app just don’t wanna pay for it Show more
Kvngdrummerboy54, 06.06.2020Keeps crashingEvery time I get ready to play a track or anything on the app it crashes l. Other than that I love the app just don’t wanna pay for it Show more
Pastor AC Lewis, 29.05.2020App FavoriteI Love This App our Ministry use it every week
Pastor AC Lewis, 29.05.2020App FavoriteI Love This App our Ministry use it every week
Kingdomflow, 25.05.2020A must Have App as a PastorThis app is a life saver
Kingdomflow, 25.05.2020A must Have App as a PastorThis app is a life saver
BrothaLew, 25.05.2020Amazing!Love this app! An awesome tool for every musician, pastor, saint and friend!
BrothaLew, 25.05.2020Amazing!Love this app! An awesome tool for every musician, pastor, saint and friend!
DaeDae311, 25.05.2020A Ministers Gift ??As a Minister, this app has helped me minister without rehearsing with others, last minute cancellations, and more! It’s truly a Godsend that this exists and I know it gives Show more
DaeDae311, 25.05.2020A Ministers Gift ??As a Minister, this app has helped me minister without rehearsing with others, last minute cancellations, and more! It’s truly a Godsend that this exists and I know it gives Show more