Hip-Hop Beat Maker: Make Beats. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
julian1215, 25.07.2020I like itI limit
julian1215, 25.07.2020I like itI limit
???????????????, 10.07.2020Needs moneyThis app doesn’t tell you need money jk
???????????????, 10.07.2020Needs moneyThis app doesn’t tell you need money jk
IDK3472, 09.07.2020FunFun
IDK3472, 09.07.2020FunFun
welexa, 22.06.2020Amazing gameI love this game because it is so many musics
welexa, 22.06.2020Amazing gameI love this game because it is so many musics
RudeSamantha, 12.06.2020I love this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH!!!!!!!!
RudeSamantha, 12.06.2020I love this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH!!!!!!!!
hannah&&, 31.05.2020I don’t knowI don’t know where the recordings are, but other then that it is really a good app! Six stars if I could.
hannah&&, 31.05.2020I don’t knowI don’t know where the recordings are, but other then that it is really a good app! Six stars if I could.
jhales974, 19.05.2020Beat itSounds great
jhales974, 19.05.2020Beat itSounds great
D-girly, 28.04.2020Waaaaayyyy tooo easyThis is basically a collection of songs chopped up to make you feel like you wrote them. If you’re creative you can make some cool stuff, and it’s definitely an Show more
D-girly, 28.04.2020Waaaaayyyy tooo easyThis is basically a collection of songs chopped up to make you feel like you wrote them. If you’re creative you can make some cool stuff, and it’s definitely an Show more
sherod1, 27.04.2020Hip_HopCoolest game ever
sherod1, 27.04.2020Hip_HopCoolest game ever
hdhrhej, 09.04.2020GoodI think that it is good because I haven’t played it yet
hdhrhej, 09.04.2020GoodI think that it is good because I haven’t played it yet