Bass Booster & EQ Amplifier. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
HeadlessH0rseman, 20.04.2022HorribleThis crappy game you have to pay to import, I can’t use it! Don’t download! It’s a rip off
HeadlessH0rseman, 20.04.2022HorribleThis crappy game you have to pay to import, I can’t use it! Don’t download! It’s a rip off
snowblind42, 30.03.2022Bass boost and EQReally helps push performance
snowblind42, 30.03.2022Bass boost and EQReally helps push performance
jeisan_reyee, 25.03.2022ReyesjDdd
jeisan_reyee, 25.03.2022ReyesjDdd
nickname taken all ready, 20.02.2022Bass booster appI like the range of the equalizer but the BIGGEST downfall is it will not play the DRM music that I own. I all ready pay for the full year Show more
nickname taken all ready, 20.02.2022Bass booster appI like the range of the equalizer but the BIGGEST downfall is it will not play the DRM music that I own. I all ready pay for the full year Show more
nickd120, 05.02.2022It’s awfulDo not spend your money. All your songs can’t be used.
nickd120, 05.02.2022It’s awfulDo not spend your money. All your songs can’t be used.
Arrooo!!!, 22.01.2022ITS A LOT TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU GETAnd it’s only $8.99 a year. The issue is that it doesn’t work with anything that you have downloaded from Apple Music, and it doesn’t work in tandem with other Show more
Arrooo!!!, 22.01.2022ITS A LOT TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU GETAnd it’s only $8.99 a year. The issue is that it doesn’t work with anything that you have downloaded from Apple Music, and it doesn’t work in tandem with other Show more
Aasnsbsbbdje, 22.01.2022BadDoesnt use the song you put and just uses the default sound
Aasnsbsbbdje, 22.01.2022BadDoesnt use the song you put and just uses the default sound
jc marble, 23.12.2021ExcelenteExcelente
jc marble, 23.12.2021ExcelenteExcelente
you tell me i dont know, 17.12.2021Wild soundsGreat app its a top app it has great control of the volume etc. this is the one app to get it you love great sounding Music try it you Show more
you tell me i dont know, 17.12.2021Wild soundsGreat app its a top app it has great control of the volume etc. this is the one app to get it you love great sounding Music try it you Show more
Godzz of destiny, 15.12.2021Love itHey I. Love this music app
Godzz of destiny, 15.12.2021Love itHey I. Love this music app