Bass Booster & EQ Amplifier. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
Zamurayz, 14.11.2021No es compadre con ninguna appNo es compatible con ninguna app
Zamurayz, 14.11.2021No es compadre con ninguna appNo es compatible con ninguna app
Heiststealer87, 04.11.2021ehworks good, just lots of limits and doesn’t recognize the music i already downloaded
Heiststealer87, 04.11.2021ehworks good, just lots of limits and doesn’t recognize the music i already downloaded
jackfhccu, 31.10.2021.Doesn't work with Apple music
jackfhccu, 31.10.2021.Doesn't work with Apple music
Ke Log, 26.10.2021SongsWish I could link my Spotify account on this
Ke Log, 26.10.2021SongsWish I could link my Spotify account on this
Smoothjack, 12.10.2021All my music is Apple please cancel meAll my music is Apple please cancel me
Smoothjack, 12.10.2021All my music is Apple please cancel meAll my music is Apple please cancel me
unspeakable ufer, 03.10.2021BadDoesn’t work on regular headphones!!!!!!!
unspeakable ufer, 03.10.2021BadDoesn’t work on regular headphones!!!!!!!
oh go my go, 26.09.2021My go out toIt to it to oh g F
oh go my go, 26.09.2021My go out toIt to it to oh g F
saltyfins, 25.09.2021CrapI bought the app for a year it has no music and doesn’t work on the iPhone 12 I just got robbed it doesn’t even tell you how to search Show more
saltyfins, 25.09.2021CrapI bought the app for a year it has no music and doesn’t work on the iPhone 12 I just got robbed it doesn’t even tell you how to search Show more
BHTYW, 13.09.2021Doesn’t work & I know this technologyiPhone 12 all set to work. BOSE doesn’t work. (3) other IPhones doesn’t work with this AP. And YES, all other AP’s on other phones are closed & those iPhones Show more
BHTYW, 13.09.2021Doesn’t work & I know this technologyiPhone 12 all set to work. BOSE doesn’t work. (3) other IPhones doesn’t work with this AP. And YES, all other AP’s on other phones are closed & those iPhones Show more
bungerboy, 06.09.2021Best gameIts soo good
bungerboy, 06.09.2021Best gameIts soo good