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HOUSE: Mark I. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • HammerDulcimer, 29.10.2020
    Killer Electric Piano
    Another outstanding app from the fine folks at audiokit. Not only are you getting a first rate EP app and plug-in, you're supporting a worthy cause.
  • DJJUDON, 29.10.2020
    Loving this!
    This app is amazing!! DJ Judon
  • yTunesMusic, 29.10.2020
    That’s it... AUDIOKIT
    My title to this review is what people say when looking for that sound they want. “Oh!!! That’s it! What is that?!?” Response. “AUDIOKIT”... Another outstanding app! I felt like I was starting off the song AS by Stevie Wonder. The low end sounds amazing. The whole deal just sounds smooth. Like other apps are in 440 and this app is in 432. Just a peaceful tone. Show more
  • Applesnoranges99, 29.10.2020
    Thanks for another great app!
  • sourcepoint, 29.10.2020
    The Best
    The electric piano app I have been waiting for! Excellent sound. Purchase this immediately.
  • Grich Argento, 29.10.2020
    It feels like and instrument
    Fun to use, versatile but with the right amount of controls. It’s not a sample collection, it feels like a real instrument full of expressive possibilities. Thank you guys for bringing this beauty to the AppStore!! Show more
  • VHwave, 29.10.2020
    Amazing, quality app!!!
    Sounds great and it is very easy to understand. Thank you! ???
  • Dabrotha1, 28.10.2020
    Almost Pretty Good
    I want to start my review by saying I subscribe to Henny’s YouTube change and have watched all of his content and have built my iPad production and video setup mostly from his videos and recommedations. His content is high quality, VERY helpful, and I’ve sent his content to dozens of people personally. I bought the app just because Henny’s name was attached to it. That said, as a keyboard player, I’m not very impressed with the “Classic” preset of the app. It’s to boomy and needs more midrange on the lower registers or else you’ll get a really muddy mix.The native EP in Garage Band and a couple of other EP apps sound much better. BUT.... The other presets are great for new school hip hop, LoFi, and trap. My 16 year old son is also getting into iOS prodution (because I turned him on to Henny’s channel) and he loves the sounds. For an old school, Fender-Rhodes, neosoul-head like me, I still prefer a differnt app. Still supporting the community though. Thanks for the offering! Show more
  • Golden Daka, 28.10.2020
    Must have
    Must have apps even for regular music listeners!! I thoroughly enjoy using this app. Worth the download!!
  • 96v, 28.10.2020
    Really Nice
    If your serious about sound this app/instrument is a must have for your studio.