Better Ears - Ear Trainer. Ratings and Reviews
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Spagyric, 26.09.2011Total rip offI was stoked about this app even though I thought the cost was high. I would have been satisfied, though, if it just worked like it's supposed to. The program Show more
Sully501, 12.09.2011Not worth the priceI was attracted to this app because of the positive reviews, and I must admit the $15 price tag made me think this was going to be packed with goodies. Show more
singerhayes, 29.06.2011I really like it!This is a great app for any musician. It is difficult to find enough hours in the day for ear training, practice, and time to listen to recordings. This Show more
SARAH STELTER, 30.01.2011goodthx
dahuisi, 22.12.2010absolute garbageCompletely useless piece of garbage. I can't believe I paid 15 bucks for this. The sound is all messed up, the chord function doesn't work.
Poop Skittles, 07.11.2010My ear is warming up.. .Great li'l app with lots of resources. Its rote learning, but its all wrapped up in one neat package wherein you can set up your own lessons and training. That Show more
Abeman21, 06.10.2010Exactly what I wanted!UPDATE: The newest version seems to have slowed down for me. Definitely not a fan of that. I'm not sure what was improved besides the color change. Otherwise, I love Show more
BassGuy93, 05.10.2010absolutely terribleI bought this thinking it would be the end-all-be-all app I'd need for ear training on my iphone. I'm on a 3G, so it's a bit slower than the newer Show more
Jmartin6788, 26.08.2010GlitchyThe program was great at first But now it's driving me crazy It's gotten so glitchy Please fix the sound stuttering I can't even play chords anymore
Dr. A.M., 21.08.2010Good - it could be better with better soundsGood overall - It could be nice if the sounds were better. Also perfect pitch practice would add to the application.
Hrjhdcmjexvfaf, 22.03.2010The appmakers could be gods...If you add some things. First please add 7th chords!!!! Also, please add the ability to select which groups of chords or intervals to work on. 5 stars if you Show more
Darknessgod, 21.02.2010442It's a good app but since I'm in orchestra can u make it to 442 for the pitch like options to choose between 440~442 thanks
Rockinrocker4457, 09.01.2010Overall very useful and well designed. Highly recommended.Overall a very useful, well designed app. Works great for drilling intervals and chords. You *can* drill all intervals up to a 13th, all the church modes along with all Show more
Craptastic Facebook, 06.01.2010Don't buyPitch doesn't go below C2 Poor sampling Rarely upated Too expensive
Typographismo, 02.01.2010Good, takes some getting used to...Just to refute- some people say that you cannot test tritones, min6, etc. You can test any interval up to a maj13th. Under 'level' select 'individual' and pick any interval Show more
app-solutely objective, 16.10.2009Very limitedIntervals are limited to the 8 (if you count prime and octave as 2) steps of the diatonic scale, that is, no minor, diminished, or augmented intervals. Chords and other Show more
FoxLust, 09.10.2009Good but could be betterThis app has been incredibily helpful with my college ear training classes. The piano sounds are pretty bad. I havent tried the others, but the piano doesnt sound natural. Please Show more
Dstack91, 07.10.2009Definitely worth $15For any theory student working to improve any sort of ear training - this is a challenging yet entertaining tool. Anyone hesatant to purchase should consider the fact that there Show more
Aldon Baker, 05.07.2009Great, missing a few things but satisfying.This app works like it is supposed to. I wish there were higher quality piano samples though. Possibly a melody and rhythm test added to it would make it stand Show more
IronMicey911, 30.06.2009Needs A Critical Piano Sampling UpdateHere's the real deal. It is a music ear training app. None of it sounds real or authentic like a real piano. As a result of this app, it is Show more