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Repeater. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
36 Ratings
  • mrpatricko, 12.07.2021
    Best AB Repeat tool!
    This app is a lifesaver when it comes to learning a piece of music. Thank you thank you for building this!
  • Winkokt2626, 10.08.2019
    Best repeat player
  • fimmy1423647, 21.12.2018
    Only App I’ve found that works
    This is the ONLY AB Repeat app I’ve found to which iTunes will allow full access. Every single other one gives a message that ITunes will not allow access to the song. For musicians wanting to learn a phrase of music this is a great app. Thank you so much for creating this. Show more
  • Dev 0757, 12.06.2018
    Good but
    I like the app and it works but just a small problem and I don’t know if this is just with my phone but I use this solely for music and whenever I want to repeat a section of a song it gets stuck at 1 sec like it’s skipping then plays the section outside of this problem the app is great and if this issue is address I would give it 5 stars. Show more
  • DannyMama94, 09.05.2018
    Need a bug fix
    It’s good for A-B but it just keep repeating need to bug fix
  • Q0623r, 14.07.2017
    Finally, a repeater app that does its job.
  • Nvssol, 28.03.2016
    A good app
    It's a good app that does its job. Thanks
  • kangzhi, 05.09.2015
    Great app but some bugs
    1, When restarting it and continuing to play, the play button does not work. 2, Another one is there is long wait before it begins to play, especially for first time. 3, cannot choose the song freely. Sometimes it also jumps to the first song. Show more
  • pianowave, 25.05.2015
    It's awesome
    It's been a great help. When I practice my study I always using this. It's so simple. Useful too. Easy for use. I almost very satisfactory about this app. I have one thing. Lyrics letter is too tiny. I think it would be better larger lyrics. Or let customer control letter size. Oh, I have one more thing. It couldn't have better if it support podcast :) Show more
  • aslanjcts, 16.05.2013
    다만 아쉬운게 슬립상태로 넘어가면 재생이 툭툭 끊기네요...그리고 재생속도조정안되나요?
  • SeaniChina, 22.03.2013
    Terrific app!
    Well this is the good app I am looking for - simple, easy-to-use and for free. I would like to pay even if it were a paid app. Thanks!
  • tedmw, 20.12.2012
    Excellent app for musicians!
    I often do musical transcriptions and this app makes it much easier. I love having the ability to fine tune the A-B loop without resetting it. The only other features I would like are the ability to slow down the track without changing the pitch, and the ability to change the pitch without changing the playback speed. If you add that I will gladly pay $10 for this app. Great work! Show more
  • Wung Cha, 23.05.2012
    Wonderful !!!
    That is what i am loking for
  • 훅가요, 13.09.2011
    버그가 상당히 자주일어나는데
    반복이 안되는 버그가 너무 자주 발생하네요 매번 어플 강제종료하고 다시 켜야되는 번거로움이 있는데 수정해주셨으면 좋겠네요.. 백그라운드에서도 반복이되면 참 편리할것 같습니다
  • 후시딘(keaton73), 28.09.2010
    It's a nice app!!!
    This is very convenient tool for language study. I strongly recommend you!!!
  • hy3422, 27.09.2010
    여러모로 편하네요^^
    구간반복도 뛰어나구요 그보다 맘에 든건 앞부분 놓쳐서 다시 들으려고 돌아갈 때 이동 시간을 제 맘대로 설정할 수 있어서 편하더군요~아쉬운 점은 1.5배속 빠르기라던가 재생 속도 조절도 가능하다면 더 훌륭한 어학용 학습기가 될거 같다는 점^^ Show more
  • Jin-hyung Lee, 25.09.2010
    리딤코드 받아서 잘 써봤습니다. 듣기 공부하는데 정말 큰 도움이 되는것 같아요~ 개인적으로 디자인이 조금 개선됬으면 하는 바람입니다. 전반적으로 괜찮네요 추천합니다
  • 쥬논, 16.07.2010
    쉽게 구간반복을 할 수 있어 편하네요
    다만 홈버튼으로 종료를 해도 음악은 계속 플레이가 되는 것 하나는 조금 불편합니다만 간단하게 AB 구간 반복이 가능하다는 것 하나만으로도 사용하는 메리트는 있을 듯 합니다
  • 1주일 사용자100, 15.07.2010
    몇가지만 개선되면
    대체로 일반적인 기능들은 다 되는데 동영상 반복할때 영상은 안된다는것과 속도 조절 기능만 개선 하면 어학어플중 최고가 될꺼 같네요 ios4에서 더 좋아지길 바랍니다
  • Thank you~~, 14.07.2010
    This is very easy to use and useful. I love this app.