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Z90.3 | San Diego CA | XHTZ FM. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
49 Ratings
  • Syshe, 03.11.2011
    Waste of space!!!!
    I really love this radio station, so I downloaded the app to listen to the station live when I am not in my car. However, the app won't even start! It was a waste of my time and space on my phone, so I deleted it! I would have given it zero stars, but you have to give it at least one. Please fix this! Show more
  • Lord Father, 30.10.2011
    Was great until....
    App crashes with iOS 5. Wasn't crashing on me when I was on iOS 4.3. Don't buy until its been updated.
  • aabb91, 26.10.2011
    It crashes
    Doesn't work at all
  • Enter my code, 25.10.2011
    Won't open needs update but still a good app
  • Majedo, 21.10.2011
    No MultiTasking!!!!
    This Radio station is Awesome... but a recent update of the app has made it not play music while using other apps. I dont know if this is a glitch or on purpose but either way my once awesome app is now completly worthless. Fix it and I will rate 5 stars Show more
  • Raawr.raam, 16.10.2011
    It's good but it crahes
  • Billypm, 15.10.2011
    This app isn't working. Tried several times unfortunately there's something wrong with this app.
  • Luis1958, 05.09.2011
    Words aren't enough
    But I don't like the app plain and simple for the fact that it crashes all the time and it's never on tine with the actual radio station..bad way to stay tuned in order to hear music or the names for the contest.I had asked for it to be fix but it seems they haven't done nothing.. Show more
  • idk meee, 19.08.2011
    i hate niki manaji
    every time i put music on this app there is always a song of that dumb as nikimanaji
  • CupcakerRice, 08.07.2011
    Great !
    Its a good app.
  • Morganlete96, 18.05.2011
    I love this app!
    I love it!
  • cr4igs11, 01.12.2010
    Get it.
  • Julanna jones, 23.10.2010
    I  Z90.3
    Ita awesome get it
  • Witrf, 28.09.2010
    A song by cee low green is called f you but at first it actually says the cuss word then it goes to F U
  • Epicmusic14, 07.09.2010
    This an absoulutey great app and let's you tag the song to buy it on iTunes,call the station,and email them . 5 stars .
  • M.A.D.N., 26.07.2010
    I have listened to music from this app going to Six Flags while my parents listened to their songs. You should get this app.
  • Benjo@26, 17.07.2010
    Me like it much
    I like this app and plus I have unlocked iPhone, which is to say that I can stream while am using other apps.... If u have sydia download 'backgrounder' which allowes multiple apps @ same time! Show more
  • RapperDel2Pac, 13.07.2010
    Kinda gay, but good
    Playing pop songs? Good app but don't play pop songs. M
  • DavidChege, 09.07.2010
    Good but .....
    I love z90, but like the other poster suggested, it would be great to have listen while being able to use other apps. Maybe they will upgrade soon. Until then, 4 stars is what I'll give. Show more
  • E6372, 15.06.2010
    Love it!
    Great app !!! Use it!!