MBC mini. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
Seoulbug, 18.04.2017제발이번 애플 앱 업그레이도 실패인듯 별표하나 주기 어렵네요. 매일 출근길 30-40분 정도 듣는데 몇번을 끊기는지.. 운전 부주이를 이르켜, 이제는 4년간 매일 매일 듣던 라디오를 못 듣겠네요. 앱 실행시 광고 뜨는 Show more
Blacknosugar, 11.04.2017어플 너무 깨져요새로운 버전나오고 많이 깨집니다..
jhonsh, 06.04.2017Crappy app that needs a lot of improvementsIt lags so much and keeps making noise.
kpostk, 30.10.2016sbs고릴라로 갈아탔어요.방송이 좋으면 뭐하나. 자꾸 끊기는걸. 쓸게 못됨. 완전 쓰레기.
eekmeek, 12.10.2016앱이 너무 불안정합니다새 버전으로 바뀐 이후 연결 하는것도 힘드네요. 연결되도 너무 자주 앱이 꺼져요. 예전처럼 만들어 주세요 ㅠㅠ
jhlee4817, 25.09.2016Crashes on iOS 10Giving one star until this issue is fixed
Bk7080, 28.07.2016Disconnects too oftenIt's always disconnecting. Older version was more stable.
Canchaejj, 26.07.2016Bad app stop fequentlyOther internet radio apps for radio broadcasts (kbs or sbs) are good. Mbc mini failed to provide reasonable service. Mbc, be shamed!
J. Jack., 20.05.2016New update messed up the appI love this app because this is the only way I listen to the radio, and is helping me to improve my Korean. But the latest update won't even let Show more
Ssparkzm, 17.05.2016열리지 않아요. It won't open!업데이트 한후로 열리지 않고 튕겨나가요. Since updated, it won't open!
Juliette9406, 11.05.2016이상해요아예 열리지가 않아요
HJ11211990, 01.05.2016Can't openAfter the last update it won't open at all. Please fix it, this was my favorite radio app of all times:(
Latest only, 29.04.2016Keep crashingCan't open it.
Junchulk, 23.04.2016CrashThis new version crashes. I had to reopen at least twice. Moreover, it is very sluggish. Considering numerous updates, it should be stable by now. Is it too much to Show more
Tanikb, 23.04.2016I have a problemIt doesn't work at all! What happened? Now it's been a month I can't even open the app!
Applepicking125, 14.04.2016New mini is not workingNew version for Apple phone has a problem and is not working even with wifi service.
January Romance, 13.04.2016Crashes, freezesCrashes, freezes, unresponsive on my iPhone.
좌회전, 13.04.2016업데이트 이후 튕김업데이트 이후 튕김 현상이 잦습니다. 라디오가 갑자기 멈추고 앱이 새로 로딩됩니다
$e rock, 12.04.2016스트리밍에 문제 많아요~자주 끊겨요
junghunchae, 10.04.2016별 하나도 아까운 업데이트툭하면 튕김. 툭하면 방송 끊김 다시듣기 정말 힘듬 돈들여 이런 업데이트 만들기도 힘들듯.. 구버전으로 돌아갈 방법 없나요? 아이패드에는 구버전 있는데 월씬 쾌적해요. 확실히 대실패.