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Tenuto. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • F1TCH509, 24.06.2020
    Great app!
    Currently a music major and I play clarinet. This app really helped me to brush up in my bass clef and also helped me pass my theory classes! It’s definitely worth buying along with the theory app especially if you want to teach! Show more
  • TaylorPlayer, 15.06.2020
    Very good
    I use most of the tools in this app and they have been very helpful. I have played guitar for decades but didn’t put in a lot of time in theory. This app helps with things like interval identification and even note identification on the neck, among other things. Very nicely made. I recommend it for a useful way to improve your knowledge of sight reading and general theory. Show more
  • HermanEC, 13.06.2020
    Fretboard Calculator
    Awesome APP. Please consider adding a fretboard option to your calculator in the app in addition to the keyboard option. Thank you.
  • every review name is taken, 31.05.2020
    Consider adding SRS learning to the app
    No doubt, the app is well laid out and super helpful. Wether you are just brushing up sight reading or pushing your theory brain a little there’s plenty good. I would love to be able to have the same app with SRS learning built into it’s quizing. Essentially the stuff you get right you see less often, the stuff you get wrong comes up more frequent. Just that little tweak to the next-in-queue selection process would really be helpful. Show more
  • Quantum, 22.05.2020
    Amazing app, some features to add
    This is an amazing app! It has helped me immensely with my music theory training. A couple of features would be nice to add. 1. In depth breakdown of practice. What you missed most often. 2. Spaced repetition like Anki, where you are drilled on the weaknesses discovered above. 3. Fretboard Interval training in guitar should be in ascending notes when played so you can train your interval ear recognition as well. Show more
  • 5435964, 19.05.2020
    Umm, Cb is a "thing"
    First, "themanchicken," as a professional pianist & pedagogue I want to let you know [very sweetly—& I'm certain *you* know a lot of other stuff better than I do] that Cb [C-flat] is, indeed, a "thing"! (It occurs fairly often, actually, in standard literature—especially, say, in the KEY of Cb MAJOR! It can be found as an "accidental" [which, just in case your terminology isn't strong yet, doesn't mean someone accidentally wrote it in or anything—it's a term of art] in other keys, and of course, it's enharmonic with [has the same sound, as a single pitch, as] B. BTW, Fb is also a thing—same idea.) ? Okay. This is the only music theory app I suggest to students, and even I [one who's been doing this "music performance thing," etc., a *really* long time] use its calculators at times. As well, there've been occasions when I've brushed up on some [relatively advanced!—this is a great app] theory with it. So, if you think a music theory app will help you, and you have the $4 to spend, just get this one. —Poppy A. Show more
  • Morriah, 16.03.2020
    Great App / Helpful Music Theory Tool
    Awesome, and keeps getting better!!!
  • Guy fantaine, 21.01.2020
    So helpful!!! (If you’re a self learner)
    I’ve been a professional musician most of my life. Lots of work in the theatre world and as an MD. I have never learned to read or much beyond the Nashville number system of chord charts. This tool has really started to affect how I think of chord construction and given me a big headstart on reading and understanding music. Some possible improvements would be a rhythm tutorial section and some written explanations of theory here and there like “what’s a double-sharp and what are the modes and why are they useful?” Even links would be useful. I love the fretboard id section! As an avid guitarist it’s cool to actually learn which notes I’m playing!! Overall this app has paid for itself ten times over. Thank you. Show more
  • Majorlance12121212, 19.01.2020
    Keep coming back to this app
    I've tried several music theory apps to quiz myself, and I like Tenuto the best. I've used it to help me with better sight reading for piano. Haven't tried it for ear training. Show more
  • themanchicken, 18.01.2020
    This is helpful, but it has errors.
    I one of the questions I got was for a Cb, which kinda isn’t a thing. I understand that sometimes, with a given key signature, a Cb may be more appropriate, but in the single note quizzing, this seems incorrect. Show more