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AV CONTROLLER - US. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • TheeDarko, 15.06.2022
    Almost Perfect
    Shocked how low the rating is for this app. Yes, it’s very simple but it’s perfectly functional and responsive. Love the option for the knob to change the volume as well as up/down buttons. The interface looks old and can be a bit weird to get used to but after years of using this with two RX-V583 receivers, it feels fluent and I absolutely love it. Meanwhile the MusicCast app has a near perfect rating and I never use it! I find it too clunky for simply controlling the receiver. It is probably better for streaming music on apps like Spotify, Pandora, etc. though. Only improvements that would be nice to see is (1) an exact replica of the remote on-screen and (2) setup/option menus fully in the app as well as an option for on-screen (both features on the Vizio TV remote app). Show more
  • emcodotcom, 01.06.2022
    coulda been great.
    i have had this for as long as the rx-a820 has been out. it works. not as well as it used to. the app needs modernization for current ios version so very badly. Show more
  • M@cM@n55, 25.05.2022
    Broke app
    The latest update broke the app. App doesn’t even see the AV anymore.
  • Aflyboy, 14.05.2022
    Terrible software
    Wow…all I want is to turn the receiver on and adjust the volume. PERIOD! One needs an electrical engineering degree just to do that! Unbelievable that so little thought was put into the app’s operation of your device. Nothing but bling and bells & whistles…not at all intuitive… Show more
  • c a sin, 06.04.2022
    Newest update
    Newest update does not work to allow music from iPad….will not play. Such a shock after years of it working… lame. Get it right Yamaha.
  • ⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️, 06.04.2022
    Used to work
    Used to work great but no longer is able to find my RX-A1050, even when entering the IP address manually (on up to date firmware). Feels like Yamaha isn’t concerned with maintaining compatibility with units that aren’t current line. Show more
  • Scott Harper, 15.03.2022
    Total Piece of Junk
    This app is shockingly bad. The usability is terrible. The app is unstable. There are literally no redeeming qualities here. It feels like somebody tried to have the IT department give it a go building an app or see how cheaply they could outsource it. Go look at Sonos to see how this can be done 10,000X better… and theirs could be improved. Whoever designed and built this should be embarrassed. Show more
  • illager, 15.03.2022
    Got It Working Again
    This app worked well since setup but after firmware 2.86 and app update 5.60 it would not connect to my RX-V679. After some digging in the settings I found that making sure dhcp is on, network standby is on, but most importantly bluetooth is all set to on. Make sure Audio Send and Audio Receive transmitter is on. Now AV Controller and MusicCast are working again. Most likely the firmware upgrade reset everything. I was on the verge of replacing the receiver. Hopefully this helps someone! Show more
  • Akasonny, 10.03.2022
    I don’t love this app. Although most functions work, I find it lacking. Rudimentary controls aren’t all functional such as on-screen setup/option menu. Most of the important setup functions (used often for tweaking) are missing. Show more
  • Rhkougcsw, 08.03.2022
    Will not recognize receiver
    App recognizes blue ray player but not the RX-V679 receiver. Used to work fine before I changed Internet providers but now it is worthless. Even manually entered the ISP of the receiver and still no dice. Too bad. Show more
  • janajajakajaja, 06.03.2022
    Will not connect
    If this thing would connect more than 50% of the time it would work great
  • Annoyed by ads., 04.03.2022
    Messed up
    Just did the update which was pointless. You have screwed it up. Put the app back the way it was. Now it won’t connect to my stereo & I never had problems with it. I use it every day, you ruined it. Show more
  • gaui, 05.02.2022
    What a miss
    Does not work on 2021 models.
  • The3dg, 22.01.2022
    Needs updating
    Can you do something about the glitchy connection, no one can enjoy music that constantly cuts out. Update the firmware so it will not drop out using bluetooth and airplay!
  • ikt, 13.01.2022
    Doesn’t work. It used to. Now it doesn’t.
    It only randomly works.
  • PActionJ, 02.01.2022
    Must download new firmware to get latest app version to work
    I’ve read the posts on this app not being compatible. I have a receiver from around 2014/2015. The new app version couldn’t read my receiver (demo mode only), and the manual ip didn’t work either. so I had to navigate to my setup menu under “network” and do a “network update”. Took about 5 min or so to complete its process. It asked me to power off and then I powered back on. And voila, the app worked after that and was able to find my receiver. Hopefully, this is helpful to anyone who recently had this problem . It’s a shame Yamaha doesn’t make this a cleaner/clearer process Show more
  • Mike K Rhodes, 30.12.2021
    5.60 update
    At first with the 5.6 update I could not connect to my receiver which is a RXV777 unit. I was very distraught could not get it to work. Today I entered the IP address into the app manually and for some reason it did take and now the app works for me. I had to make sure I was running the same network on both units… The receiver and the app… And things finally came together. So now I am happy. I think. Show more
  • swim nd, 28.12.2021
    Don’t update! No longer working after 10 years
    DO NOT UPDATE APP IF TOU HAVE AN OLDER RECEIVER Been using this app to control multiple zones over wifi with an Aventage RX-a3000 for 10 years. After the recent update to 5.60, the app won’t find my receiver. The receiver is still excellent and the old app works on my iPad, so it’s not a network issue. It is an issue with the new app not recognizing older receiver. Show more
  • JMMEDAVIS, 25.12.2021
    The app constantly disconnects into demo mode from my A3070. My entire family hates this. Why bother getting such a nice receiver if you cannot interface with it from your iPhone. Show more
  • JonH 29, 23.12.2021
    Won’t run since I installed iOS 15; use MusicCast app instead
    Worked okay before, but not anymore. Update since this review was posted on 12/11/2021: If your Yamaha receiver is 2015 or newer, use the MusicCast app instead. Once you get used to the different interface, it’s a better app and does everything the AV Controller app did (even if you don’t use any MusicCast connections). If your receiver is older than 2015, then Yamaha is screwing you by not updating the AV Controller app to run on newer iOS devices. Show more