AV CONTROLLER - US. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
TheeDarko, 15.06.2022Almost PerfectShocked how low the rating is for this app. Yes, it’s very simple but it’s perfectly functional and responsive. Love the option for the knob to change the volume as Show more
emcodotcom, 01.06.2022coulda been great.i have had this for as long as the rx-a820 has been out. it works. not as well as it used to. the app needs modernization for current ios version Show more
M@cM@n55, 25.05.2022Broke appThe latest update broke the app. App doesn’t even see the AV anymore.
Aflyboy, 14.05.2022Terrible softwareWow…all I want is to turn the receiver on and adjust the volume. PERIOD! One needs an electrical engineering degree just to do that! Unbelievable that so little thought was Show more
c a sin, 06.04.2022Newest updateNewest update does not work to allow music from iPad….will not play. Such a shock after years of it working…..so lame. Get it right Yamaha.
⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️, 06.04.2022Used to workUsed to work great but no longer is able to find my RX-A1050, even when entering the IP address manually (on up to date firmware). Feels like Yamaha isn’t concerned Show more
Scott Harper, 15.03.2022Total Piece of JunkThis app is shockingly bad. The usability is terrible. The app is unstable. There are literally no redeeming qualities here. It feels like somebody tried to have the IT department Show more
illager, 15.03.2022Got It Working AgainThis app worked well since setup but after firmware 2.86 and app update 5.60 it would not connect to my RX-V679. After some digging in the settings I found that Show more
Akasonny, 10.03.2022LackingI don’t love this app. Although most functions work, I find it lacking. Rudimentary controls aren’t all functional such as on-screen setup/option menu. Most of the important Show more
Rhkougcsw, 08.03.2022Will not recognize receiverApp recognizes blue ray player but not the RX-V679 receiver. Used to work fine before I changed Internet providers but now it is worthless. Even manually entered the ISP of Show more
janajajakajaja, 06.03.2022Will not connectIf this thing would connect more than 50% of the time it would work great
Annoyed by ads., 04.03.2022Messed upJust did the update which was pointless. You have screwed it up. Put the app back the way it was. Now it won’t connect to my stereo & Show more
gaui, 05.02.2022What a missDoes not work on 2021 models.
The3dg, 22.01.2022Needs updatingCan you do something about the glitchy connection, no one can enjoy music that constantly cuts out. Update the firmware so it will not drop out using bluetooth and airplay!
ikt, 13.01.2022Doesn’t work. It used to. Now it doesn’t.It only randomly works.
PActionJ, 02.01.2022Must download new firmware to get latest app version to workI’ve read the posts on this app not being compatible. I have a receiver from around 2014/2015. The new app version couldn’t read my receiver (demo mode only), Show more
Mike K Rhodes, 30.12.20215.60 updateAt first with the 5.6 update I could not connect to my receiver which is a RXV777 unit. I was very distraught could not get it to work. Today I Show more
swim nd, 28.12.2021Don’t update! No longer working after 10 yearsDO NOT UPDATE APP IF TOU HAVE AN OLDER RECEIVER Been using this app to control multiple zones over wifi with an Aventage RX-a3000 for 10 years. After the recent update Show more
JMMEDAVIS, 25.12.2021TerribleThe app constantly disconnects into demo mode from my A3070. My entire family hates this. Why bother getting such a nice receiver if you cannot interface with it from your Show more
JonH 29, 23.12.2021Won’t run since I installed iOS 15; use MusicCast app insteadWorked okay before, but not anymore. Update since this review was posted on 12/11/2021: If your Yamaha receiver is 2015 or newer, use the MusicCast app instead. Once you get used to Show more