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Radio Heimatmelodie. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
28 Ratings
  • Jj in roa, 29.05.2013
    Ganz gut!!! Wunderbar ;)
  • Tbery, 25.05.2013
    A taste of Germany
    Love it!
  • OleEd, 16.05.2013
    Ausgezeichnet Radio
    A retired US Army soldier who spent 10 years in then W. Germany stationed from Flensburg to Giessen, Germany. Worked with the Bundeswher and was fairly fluent in German. Associated with my counterparts and their families daily has caused a strong affection for the culture. I listen daily for good music and keeping current on the news of the day. Thanks for the memories your music gives me. Show more
  • Kd7kz, 13.04.2013
    Once i found it, it is the only station that that i go to. Music and news, great
  • Foxy Pete, 16.03.2013
    Exactly what I was looking for.
  • Loloihg, 20.01.2013
    Very cool! I love it!
  • surfswell, 09.12.2012
    My wife is from Darmstadt. I'm retired (still working) US Army. We have lived and travelled to Germany many times. Last summer to Darmstadt and Garmisch. Love German Volks music. This station and app are superb. Listen wherever we travel! Keep it going! Keep the updates coming. Dr Dan & Gerda Show more
  • Phillykraut, 02.12.2012
    Affengeil!!!!!! Bringt mich in die Heimat. Superoberaffengeil!!!!!