SuperStar SMTOWN. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
babyxgirls, 19.10.2022O game não funciona.Toda vez que eu baixo o jogo, roda até eu fechar e ele atualizar. Sempre que ele atualiza aparece uma mensagem dizendo para eu reiniciar o jogo, eu reinicio e Show more
SM大楼有我一片瓦, 17.10.2022闪退非常频繁进入游戏后经常出现故障
罗渽民老公, 16.10.2022~卡得要死
杰瑞的稳定空间, 14.10.2022离大谱老是加载快结束就闪退,重装一次以为神经好了,结果没过两天又闪退,新版本是不是有bug啊???
sooyaaa_V, 12.10.2022更新后老是闪退闪退问题
12321456234, 13.09.2022快来人帮我?바인딩되지 않은 방문자가 로그인한 아이디를 어떻게 찾아서 다시 로그인 시킬 수 있나요???
ᗩᗯ, 10.09.2022good but some problems- card space i like the game its great its fun would reccomend but the limited card space is rly annoying expesally cuz if you play frequently then we gotta constanly Show more
aleesa masihuddin, 25.08.2022No soundThe entire time I had the game there was no sound it made, the songs were not playing so I only played them with no sound awful game
7thdayfilms, 21.08.2022Good Overall, However Some IssuesI would give the game a higher rating, but there’s several issues that prevent me from doing so. First is the load time when launching the game. Why does it Show more
tttttttt啊啊啊啊, 21.08.2022无语了什么意思啊根本进不去???
Stray Doggie, 15.08.2022Fix itlast few days is throwing me out of the game please fix it because it's impossible to play ?????
⚓️☘️, 15.08.2022The game has a bugI’ve been trying to level up my R cards and every single time the app tells me it needs to relaunch so I press the “retry” button but when I Show more
Hellokittex910, 15.08.2022HorribpeAbsolutely horrible when it comes to events, it keeps crashing and you miss out on soo many events
BlueAceM, 10.08.2022fix ur game lowkeyso I downloaded this app first of all it took a good 30 mins to finally play the actual game bc of how long it takes to load?? and I Show more
SeolBo07, 07.08.2022。隔壁jyp和星船都能进去就sm的进不去是什么意思?
cherri_456, 03.08.2022reviewI wanna say the game is good if you like rhythm games, competitive games, and card pulling but it honestly has too much things to download especially the server maintenance Show more
why doesnt it work, 22.07.2022VolumeMy volume works for all other apps except all the superstar apps
??????, 22.07.2022It won't open.Why can't you open it? it's a little speechless.真的会谢
pickles S., 21.07.2022can’t get inI play this game a lot, usually everyday. Today as I was upgrading my cards and stuff, the game got really laggy and told me to relaunch the app. I Show more
rosé的老婆。, 19.07.2022进不去希望修复一直卡在刚开始的动画,一直显示让我重启进去但是重启之后再进去还是不行,还是要我重启再进去一直循环,希望修复一下