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Qobuz. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • Switchback1013, 09.09.2022
    Don’t bother! Go with Tidal instead.
    Qobuz has great potential, the sound quality is great, and I love that they take care of the artists better than most. That said, the app itself is pathetic… absolutely horrific. The user interface is bad enough, but the constant crashes are a complete deal breaker. I gave them a full year to figure it out, but now I must leave and put my money elsewhere. My recommendation is to not even bother until which time they can do a complete overhaul of their software. Go with Tidal and be much happier. Cheers! Show more
  • JRMlaw, 08.09.2022
    Service is meh; app is largely useless
    Service: Not as good as the others. And what is the deal with tracks being unavailable for streaming for *subscribers*?? App: Buggy. Unbearably slow at times. And sometimes it gives random, unexplained errors while trying to play a selection or even just loading an artist page. Hard to recommend anyone subscribe to a service that fails in so many different ways. Show more
  • mlblanco747, 01.09.2022
    Very buggy
    It’s insane to make people spend so much and have the app be so bad I can’t play songs, like 80% of the time. Great music quality but if nothing actually play does it really matter? Show more
  • optimalenchantment, 31.08.2022
    Owner Optimal Enchantment
    This streaming service makes digital a pleasure. I have tried other high res services and none of them are half as good. I can’t recommend them enough. They are doing an exceptional job. I recommend this to all my clients. Thank you Qobuz Show more
  • tadpole sean, 29.08.2022
    Amazing quality, app is just too frustrating
    Being able to listen to hi-def music was revelatory, especially coming from years of using Spotify. Unfortunately, the iOS app is so incredibly frustrating to use, I’m looking into alternative music streaming services. The problems with the iOS app include: - a slow, at times unresponsive interface - music will only download when app is open (even when it is connected to Wi-Fi). - can’t download an album while listening to it (often crashes, downloaded album will then refuse to play certain songs) - properly downloaded albums will often not play certain songs It’s a real shame because the quality of the hi-def albums is incredible. The app seems to work fine on my laptop, but for people planning to download albums to listen to in the car, sadly I would recommend looking elsewhere Show more
  • AlexMCFan, 27.08.2022
    Good app, terrible bugs
    I love this app for its high quality streams, but I can’t rate any higher due to the horrible bugs I am encountering. Certain songs will consistently skip, or refuse to play when I get to them. This has been very frustrating and there’s been nothing I can do to fix the issue. The desktop browser works fine, however. Show more
  • BuddahadduB, 27.08.2022
    Great app!
    Works well, nice / interesting music suggestions, high quality audio. Vs Apple which is super glitchy.
  • Rando235, 23.08.2022
    App regularly crashes, times out when searching over a 1Gbps Wi-Fi connection, and won’t cast more than one song in a playlist. I’ve also experienced downloaded tracks playing at 4x speed. Won’t be renewing my subscription - the Android app is better than this! Show more
  • NCHighCountryWX, 23.08.2022
    The New Player Does Not Work on Apple IPhone 12 Pro Max
    The new player completely broke the app The player will not play Are you prepared to refund the subscriber fees while the application no longer works? Please immediately roll the changes back and leave well enough alone Show more
  • naayff, 21.08.2022
    need loudness normalisation
    It’s getting bothering to keep pressing top and bottom volume buttons so please add loudness normalisation!