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KASPAR. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
26 Ratings
  • Brajeshwar, 25.03.2022
    Can’t go full screen in Cubasis 3
    I bought this to use within Cubasis 3 but the UI doesn’t scale up to full screen, making editing difficult. I’m mostly going to use it for the presets because of this. Show more
  • kk100, 21.03.2022
    Very (very) Deep
    It’s hard to say enough about this synth. I’m not going to repeat all that’s in the description but I believe it’s all accurate. In a way, it’s a testimony to how powerful a platform iOS has become because this Synth is immensely capable. Three true independent oscillations per layer (and they’re really synths of their own, not layers) with Omni stackable effects gives you extraordinary sound shaping possibilities. Ok, I said I wasn’t going to repeat the description and I just did. But I can’t imagine a hardware synth being able to do this so simply (I have a Moog One and this can produce sounds that easily rival it - and that synth cost me $8,000). I’m sure I just said something heretical but it, true. Buy this synth and save yourself a ton of money! Show more
  • transcendentalaccidentalism, 29.11.2021
    Presets goldmine
    My lasting impressions of this app are that of simplicity and ease of use combined with the ability to dig deep and form your own pleasantries or insanities, whichever you desire or something in between. If you are looking for something that requires only the touch of a few buttons for a quick sound that requires little or no parameter cracking, like a Yamaha or Casio off the shelf gadget + extras, then your only time consuming part of using the app is making a decision on which of the multitude of presets you are going to use. Otherwise you can shape and form parameters with all of the familiar names in a different looking interface to your heart’s content until you get it where you want it. That being said, the interface makes more sense on some levels than others, but it is nice to see a developer go beyond fake knobs and buttons in and toward something that leaves the old ways behind while maintaining the same sense of analog fatness (that could honestly be a litter fatter). Show more
  • GadgetMojo, 24.09.2021
    Presets seem limited in sound variety
    It’s great for oran-like sounds. But I couldn’t produce vastly different tones. Maybe it’s just me. Kauldron and Magellan are my fav synths from this dev. Highly recommend both.
  • stymied and perplexed, 23.08.2019
    Pretty good but cuts out
    Love this app, but it crashes. Sometimes when recording in GarageBand and sometimes when sharing songs from GarageBand. Tried a brand new IPad mini 5 with iOS 12.4 and it happened again when sharing a song. Show more
  • Camilo Calvo, 30.06.2019
    Now I’m fan of this developer
    This thing sounds mind blowing, They can match with the moog model D app or even a real Analog Synth. Amazing!
  • TMMM333, 06.11.2018
    Incredible Power
    I’ve been using this synth since it launched last year. I finally decided to leave a review after superb support from the developer in squashing a bug (They fixed it in a day!) This synth is so powerful, I love it! Just read the list of all the features. This is the only synth app I’ve found that allows me to quickly create the sounds I want. I think the UI is well designed and extremely easy to use. Trust me, if I can program this thing, anyone can. Combine an easy to use synth with incredible power, as well as top notch support, and you have a winning five star app! Show more
  • ZenLizard, 04.11.2018
    I keep finding further depth in Kaspar. It goes way beyond the vector synths I’ve used before in terms of flexibility and mod options, and of course it sounds NICE!
  • Pzyklon, 03.11.2018
    Not up to the hype
    Not impressed by this untidy and badly laid out synth. I was also not impressed by the sound
  • crsko, 17.03.2018
    What a workhorse!
    I use this to practice with my band all the time
  • rayfsb, 10.03.2018
    Keeps crashing in BeatMaker 3 as Auv3
    I love the sound in the KASPAR and Kauldron apps but they keep crashing ever time I load them as AUv3 and that’s where they are meant to work best? And KASPAR doesn’t even fit the screen correctly. What’s up with that? My iPad Pro 12.9 is up to date. And so are all of my apps. I think tonal need to give these apps some attention. Show more
  • Tigerfrost309, 06.03.2018
    No MIDI out. Modulation matrix problems
    There is no MIDI out so if you open KASPAR In AUM and you are using the chord function in KASPAR, you can not send MIDI chords to another synth app. The modulation matrix has a problem with aftertouch modulating the cutoff frequency. One slot of after touch to cutoff freq at 100 does not open the filter fully. You have to use 3 slots to get from totally closed to fully open. Copying presets between layers gets messed up if you presets has the after touch to filter freq modulation. The filter sounds very good and MIDI learn works correctly. I have contacted the developer 3 times about this problem using the contact page on his webpage but I have not heard back from him. This could be a really great synth with some minor fixes. Show more
  • BozoToo, 27.02.2018
    Okay ...I got a new iPad. NOW things change
    I previously gave KASPAR a single star review because it simply would not work on my iPad 4. There are now so many iPads that compatibility statements are frequently not clear at all. Anyway, I updated my iPad - got a new 12.9” iPad Pro. That changes everything. Now that I can actually USE KASPAR, I have to update my review. In two words: great stuff!! The obvious comparison is with LayR which aspires to provide much the same thing as KASPAR: a multi-layered instrument that stacks multiple analog-style synthesizers in various combinations in order to achieve massive, complex, evolving sound. Both programs totally succeed but in sleightly different ways. But will not go into any detailed comparison here. KASPAR sounds incredible. It’s difficult to discern its underlying digital technology; it can sound VERY analog. The voice structure is an entirely conventional VCO-VCF-VCA-FX signal chain. Multiple waveforms for the VCOs give it something way beyond the raw sound-making materials of most analog synthesizers. A variety of very convincing filters and very responsive VCAs complete the sound-generation part of the signal chain. The FX are very conventional (Compressor, EQ, Phaser, Flanger, Delay, Reverb) and they each sound very good. Also, the order of processing can be very easily rearranged. The control modules include three ADSR envelope generators, two LFOs with multiple waves including random patterns, a very interesting arpegiator and the keyboard which can be either conventional or a scaled ribbon controller. All of those are available on a per-synthesizer basis. KASPAR is not particularly imaginative or creative when it comes to the art of synthesizer design. It is simply a very good, conventional, analog-style instrument ...or should I say instrumentS. It gets VERY fun when you start stacking up to EIGHT of these polyphonic monsters, each with its own patch, FX, arpegiators, etc. and combining them into one sound and then layer it all under a quadratic touch-pad controller that can even record and re-play your mix. Make no mistake. This is one heck of a LOT of synthesizer. Back in the old analog hardware days I probably would have probably engaged in criminal acts to be able to have something like this. It is absolutely FLAT worth the money. Shortfalls? Well, I wish the modulation matrix at only 6X6 input to output paths was more complete. We need more modulation destinations and a few more modulators would not hurt either. There is no technological reason why we should not be able to, for example, put the FX parameters under voltage control of an LFO or the keyboard. One more thing. Certain buttons should be relocated or duplicated. The key “hold” button and the “panic” button appear only on the “Edit” page. Few of us will perform on this page. They belong on the “Morph” page, which was clearly designed for live interaction while using Kaspar. A master volume control, like the one on the “Layer” page, should also be on the “Morph” page. These are all performance kinds of functions and should all be on the same page intended for use when actually playing Kaspar. Hey, Yonac ...throw in some of these in an update and I will throw in TWO more stars. Heck, I would even be willing to perform nefarious acts such as sending you more money for those features. Great job, you guys! . Show more
  • Awesome synth, 18.01.2018
    I love Magellan, and am now the owner of KASPAR! From what I’ve seen so far, this is going to be another HUGE tool in my DAW set up. I use GarageBand for my principal DAW, and am so happy to see that this app, too, integrates seamlessly with GB. The arps are also delicious. With synth apps like this, I’m surprised hardware synths still exist. One very happy KASPAR user. Thank you, Yonac. Show more
  • Samsjamz, 03.01.2018
    Ok but
    I am a fan of these apps. When you have question or in my case missed a part of the manual the team is very responsive in giving me the information I need. Thanks for your support! Buy these products they are super sounding, well documented, and easy to program just like all his other apps! Keep up the great work! Show more
  • DavidDepape, 31.12.2017
    Don’t let the UI fool you.
    Yes initially the UI looks simple and bland. You’ll appreciate that later as you get lost for hours in generating nearly complete masterpieces. Nearly endless possibilities here folks.
  • Fishstick kitty, 29.12.2017
    Awesome synth
    It has incredible features...ARP is great but needs a step sequencer to be perfect!!! :)
  • Maples Ex, 15.11.2017
    Sophistication with the live performance in mind
    This one is a REAL gem. Yonac nailed it again; only more so and then some. They’ve managed to create a very sophisticated multi-Timbral synth here and as I’m sure some of you can imagine, one might worry about running the risk of losing hours and hours trying to in program patches among endless possibilities...after all even the most creative among us have lives to live. However, I have to say, for what and how much this synth is designed to do, the U/I is quick and easy to get comfortable with. Maximum functionality/ minimal navigation... and designed for live performance (which I love). The only change I’d make?... I would include amongst the 3 arpeggiator modes one where you could program the pattern/ or maybe include a sequencer just like Magellan’s. A big plus for me is that within the Oscillator module, one can choose from not only simple waveforms, but also a variety of complex as well. - SuperJack- Chattanooga, TN. Show more
  • Jaxziel, 01.09.2017
    Love it
    Looks like I'm going to forsake all my other synths for this one. You can spend days on one patch creating every sound imaginable you guys thought of everything. thank you Show more
  • QuinnX., 25.07.2017
    Nice synth, However..
    has lots of potential was really excited to try, however the presets don't do it justice or really showcase this synth. No real bread and butter sounds and what is there reminds me of my old Commodore 64 Sid chip but with added multi effects. I'm sure it has potential to be more. I think the sound set needs to be updated to inspire otherwise, Very configurable and midi maps load/save is a great feature so you not stuck with jus one setup. Show more