AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops. Ratings and Reviews
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Spderman37, 09.10.2018More NotesGreat working app! Very stable and easy to use. Developers were quick to assist with the question I had.
Ana R. Key, 08.10.2018Please add minors and minor flats thanks!Please add minors and minor flats ! Great app otherwise ! 5 stars ! Thanks !
Jj22thebest, 06.10.2018Needs a way to make different setlistIt’s a very good app and I really enjoy it the only thing that I with it had a way to make different setlist instead of one main one
cuezaireekaa, 03.10.2018Great app for what it does.Developer is right on top of things. That’s what I like.
dpodster, 04.09.2018Good Start!Great idea for an app! A cool future feature would be to have the ability to blend in additional intervals (2nds, 5ths, 7ths). Having the ability to fade those intervals Show more
noahallen18, 19.06.2018Great app missing one featureThis app is absolutely amazing love every bit of it! But it’s missing one feature, PANNING if there was that feature to be able to send audio all the way Show more
Clive Luis, 22.05.2018Midi does not work!Well is app is good and does what it promises.. except for Midi.. which does not work on iPhone 8plus.. however cannot complaint much at the price point...
Worthless app123456789, 02.04.2018Odd questionHow do you use it for songs wrote in Flats.....?.. Thanks Ryan for your response. Thanks that’ll work, I kinda thought that after I sat down and started looking at Show more
Mjaynes87, 24.10.2017KillerThis app is AWESOME and helped take things to a new level. The only thing so far I would want added is to be able to create a custom layout.
unseeneternity, 19.10.2017Fantastic start!Really love this app. Great combination of pad sounds and easy functionality. Two suggestions: 1. Add a playlist function to be able to go from pad to pad based on the Show more