Fretonomy - Learn Fretboard. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
Vfgyccf, 24.12.2021Super helpfulFun to learn the fretboard this way. Wish I would have started years ago!
Lurking man, 11.12.2021Ok as far as it goesHowever, the name chord portion of the app never shows some triads and 7th chords that are easily fingered. Edit: The developer contacted me to ask what was missing. A version Show more
guitardid one, 24.10.2021I love this app.Spend the extra money on the other add one. This app is quickly replacing my Mel bay and Hal Leonard guitar scales books
Jimbobmitch, 01.10.2021Great customer serviceI had a problem with my purchasing unlocking. I emailed them and they fixed with an update within a few hours.
Noah Q2, 30.09.2021Not badUseful, I bought the guitar version and it keeps giving me notes outside the range I choose. Because of this, it is literally impossible to get a correct answer even Show more
BigAugsie, 18.09.2021So many adsI’m getting full screen ads every 3 notes. Surely this is a bug?!? I don’t mind paying for the app but the ads are so intrusive I can’t even evaluate Show more
Munchkinblumpkin, 07.09.2021OkayOkay
banjogranny, 29.08.2021FretboardThe banjo fretboard is marked incorrectly. The 9th fret is marked instead of the 10th. Threw me off for awhile.
Ls01.7, 18.08.2021DissapointedPurchased the guitar extension and all the sounds are gone. Can I have my money back?
icberry, 08.08.2021Nearly perfectFret Trainer features a variety of exercises, and seems pretty easy to use. The sounds are pleasant, and the look and feel of the game is clean and straightforward. Comment Show more
awsome reveiws, 15.06.2021AwesomeAWESOME
CaptainData, 12.06.2021Has potential, but just a few too many issuesThere are a fair amount of good things about this app, a number of things that need improvement, and a couple things that have me going elsewhere to learn, app Show more
Mymusic3, 23.05.2021Excellent tool to have…This app has been extremely helpful to me.
treview101, 22.04.2021SuggestionGreat app - in a new update can you give users the option to make the strings different colors? I feel this would help with the memorization. Thanks.
jhjgyt543, 22.04.2021DecentI like the core functionality but can’t seem to get the note sounds to play
FranzzU, 30.03.2021Great app!Overall a great app! I am using it to learn frets 6 through 12 on the bass. Two days into using it, I already feel more comfortable naming these notes. Show more
Crashcup, 29.03.2021Fret Trainer= “No “Fret” Learning”I’ve played fingerstyle guitar for decades and have been repeatedly frustrated by “methods” to learn the fretboard. Now that I’m switching to rhythm guitar and strumming it has become Show more
MadCowFromHell, 27.03.2021Very nice..Good job on the App. Very useful tool. I would like to recommend a improvement in the Name Note game. In the settings allow to only use certain notes. That would Show more
jeff the guitar, 14.03.2021Pop up ads only 3 noteI might’ve purchased the app or I might’ve even tried to play it longer but after selecting the first note I got a pop-up ad I mean come on let Show more
Nnnipppiiii, 12.03.2021Can’t close adsfirst pop up ad can’t be closed. click on (x), nothing.