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Roav VIVA. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
50 Ratings
  • courtneyb1, 22.10.2019
    Same issues with IOS 13.x
    Having trouble connecting - connection is slow and sometimes will not work at all. Constantly losing amazon login and other settings.
  • jazzdab, 20.10.2019
    More problems
    For some time now the app has claimed connectivity issues when there are none. Now since iOS 13.x came out it will not pair to the charger/mic unit reliably and constantly loses the association with my Amazon account. The app is completely unreliable. Not sure how much is iOS 13 and how much the app but the whole setup is useless right now. Show more
  • CheesyPotatoes, 20.10.2019
    Excellent but.......
    It constantly unlinks my amazon account and I have to sign in every time to use it. It’s very inconvenient please fix this. Then it will be 5 stars.
  • Reynoso951, 19.10.2019
    Works about 10% of the time. CONSTANTLY crashes and with the new update takes about 20-30 mins to try to connect via Bluetooth. I have basically given up on trying to use it. It worked decent a few weeks ago. But now it’s more of a hassle trying to make it work while parked/trying to drive Anywhere. Seriously not even worth it anymore. Show more
  • JV Baby, 03.10.2019
    The app is pure garbage!!
    I’m trying to figure out how the hell so many people have this app above 2 stars. This app is atrocious. You’re better off using the 2 charging ports the Roav Viva car charger has and leave the Alexa feature the hell alone. All kinds of connection issues, app bugs, and just frustrating experiences. You developer guys need to go back to your mother’s basement where you started this project and come back when you get things right. You know all the issues this app has so don’t be without integrity and act like y’all don’t know what’s wrong. We shouldn’t have to explain what y’all should already know. Maybe you should try using the app. One thing y’all got right was making it free. iPhone XS Max 256GB with iOS 13.1.2 with the app version being 1.2.1. Show more
  • T1B1, 02.10.2019
    Still needs Bluetooth fixes with iOS 13.1.2
    Version 3.0.9 of the App is still not re-connecting the device to Bluetooth correctly. Must manually connect in Bluetooth settings, then open Roav app and manually re-connect there also. I am on iOS 13.1.2 on an iPhone 6S. Show more
  • Greenglider12, 29.09.2019
    Still having trouble connecting to OS13
    With recent updates. I still cannot connect to Roav Viva
  • frankpcb, 13.08.2019
    Best Device Ever
    Best device ever for using Alexa in the car! Make sure you do the firmware update.
  • dlcrawf13, 12.08.2019
    Product won’t link to Amazon account
    Product has major issues with linking to your Amazon account. Contacted tech support and I was supposed to get some kind of test software still have the same issues would not recommend this product going forward. Major software quality issues! Show more
  • RJGESS, 05.08.2019
    Great app and device
    Great app and very user-friendly. Almost knows what you’re thinking.
  • Janqp, 19.07.2019
    Alexa REQUIRED
    Somewhere in the literature or manual should be the REQUIREMENT to have and link an Amazon account
  • Fredman1365, 22.06.2019
    Keeps logging out
    My app logs out constantly. At least before I hit login and it’ll go through the auto login. Now it won’t even do that. Have to type in password each time and reauthorize is a real pain esp while in the car and when on the way. Show more
  • Benji_Hazen, 08.06.2019
    1 issue
    I have to disconnect and then reconnect anytime I answer a call while driving.
  • riggs_95, 02.05.2019
    No Apple Music
    Great fm transmitter but the lack of Apple Music is a bad thing for something this expensive
  • joyce8998, 23.04.2019
    Having lots of fun with Alexa.
  • Rachel's iTunes, 13.04.2019
    Great device!
    Great to have Alexa in the car!
  • nsbradley, 02.04.2019
    Wow! Great sound.
    My older model Audi doesn’t have Bluetooth. Roav is the only wireless device that connects to my car FM radio with CD quality sound! It’s a game changer.
  • JTmmLS, 25.03.2019
    Roav Pro Review
    Everything works great except when u try to call from car stereo
  • Neha21, 24.02.2019
    Useful app
    Kudos to the developer team to bring this concept.
  • Gumafam, 23.02.2019
    Perfect for our needs
    App is easy to use and I’m so glad that Anker/Roav released the Viva Pro with the aux connection option. We’ve had no issues using either app or device in any of our vehicles. Show more