Music Rhythm Trainer. Ratings and Reviews
Ratings and reviews are verified
abirdparty, 17.10.2021Great appLove this !! Very helpful!!
music teacher in training, 14.09.2021A totally boring and stressful way to practiceI am studying to be a music teacher right now and play a wind instrument. Downloaded it to see how useful it could be for teaching. For beginners it starts Show more
01gigi, 12.09.2021Yay rhythm ?I’m really bad with rhythm, but this app really improved the basic counting and rhythm and learning how to sight rhythm something I thought I couldn’t learn ! Try it Show more
mike_191919, 21.08.2021Good but has some glaring issuesMy main issues are that it is stricter, like harder to score as “correct” if you tap slightly before the beat vs slightly after. That can get annoying It ironically Show more
ootkaman5, 03.08.2021One of the most frustrating appsI don’t usually have “gamer rage”, but sometimes this app brings me close to it. I am improving my rhythm little by little with it, but it is really stressful Show more
Jim.the.traveler, 29.07.2021I love this app.As a newbie to playing music and keeping a beat, I love this app because I am learning proper time signatures. This has me tapping my foot in time as Show more
tony77236, 25.07.2021Beginners be warnedThe application determines the tempo for you. There is no way to set a tempo for yourself and practice at your own pace. App will force you to work at Show more
hhf rhitfkhiukihjijhkx, 21.07.2021This game is confusingI did 1 star because sometimes I miss the beat, and I also sent them a feedback
StudyAnd, 10.07.2021Great! Maybe more complex?Hello!! This is a wonderful app! I use it to help with my piano and I recommended it to my students that I teach! Let me just say that this Show more
Judi's Husband, 29.06.2021TimingTruthfully I’ve always looked at good musical timing as a requirement but playing live or in practice with fellow musicians can be on time but not always so exacting; playing Show more