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SpaceCraft Granular Synth. Ratings and Reviews

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out of 5
42 Ratings
  • ErikSF999, 15.10.2018
    Sounds great! Can't save or import anything on iOS 9 or 10.
    I like this simpler-than-iDensity granular synth quite a lot. It is more immediately intuitive than Tardigrain without losing the wonderful unpredictability of granular synthesis in producing interesting, beautiful, arresting, terrifying sounds. The interface is one of the better distillations of granular parameters that I have seen so far on the App Store. Unfortunately, Spacecraft does not truly support Audioshare; it supports Apple's Files app, leaving users on iOS 9 and 10 with only iCloud for sound import/export. Nor does it store presets internally. Those have to go on iCloud as well. I don't use iCloud, and don't see much point in uploading my samples there to redownload them into a single app when Audioshare has everything already here on my iPad. So for now, Spacecraft is a demo on my iOS 9-running mini. A really nice demo--I hope to be able to make better use of it soon. Show more
  • housemachine, 06.10.2018
    Just amazing
    Please build out the area where you can pick the grain a bit wider. I love this app. Brilliant.
  • Natemasterflex, 06.10.2018
    Actively Making It Better!!
    The developer is adding great features and I appreciate that. This app has tons of potential and is already really fun to use and sound quality is good. I hope the developer keeps the great updates coming!!! Thanks for your hard work! Show more
  • kcpaul, 29.08.2018
    Very promising
    This app is very promising, and a welcome addition. It’s well-designed for live use, very playable. I look forward to the addition of state-saving, file management, and the ability to change the default colors. Show more
  • Leom187, 17.08.2018
    Lives up to the hype
    First, the interface lives up to the name. The user friendly xy pads and visual feedback make you feel like you’re piloting a spacecraft into new sonic territories, of which there are many you will find. Loading audio files is a breeze and you can load pretty long ones. I haven’t reached the limit. This leaves you with many many sonic possibilities within just one file. Very musical sounds, cool arpeggiator type thing to add even more rhythm to the sound. Honestly it’s hard to describe, but in the end, it’s a hell of a lot of fun to use and sounds great. The interface is such that there’s nothing to do but dive in and go crazy. Good times. Get it. Show more
  • aux m, 22.07.2018
    Very cool but buggy
    Awesome concept, great GUI, really cool results. But I can't load any files from Dropbox, I am only given access to iCloud for my own files. Bit of a let down there. Also, the app stopped working upon opening it a second time. : / Show more
  • Sumdancer, 18.07.2018
    I’ve been doing sound design for years and this is one of the most impressive granulars. Sound quality and UI are solid. Buuuuut... would change the game with full Audiobus and DAW compatibility. Also think about recordable parameter automation. That would make it insane. Well done!! Show more
  • Jshualaub, 16.07.2018
    Really fun, but...
    I love using this to make and record impromptu sounds, but I can only seem to record 1 minute of audio using iPhone app before it cuts me off and makes me save it. Everywhere I read it claims to be able to record up to 20 minutes and I was excited about that. Do you need the iPad app to record the 20 minutes? I can’t seem to find any contact information or info online to find my answer. Show more
  • BozoToo, 11.07.2018
    Its pretty good, but...
    There are lots of grain synthesis aps out now so this one has some competition. How does it stand up? Pretty well. Like most of the grain synthesis aps, the audio quality is quite good. It has the usual features but adds a kind of “playability” that is hard to describe but easy to recognize once you get your hands on it. The new version’s ability to use LARGE audio files (something like 20 minutes long) sets Spacecraft apart as very unique and can be quite useful. So on these points it competes pretty well. However, its integration into the Audio Units world is rather odd. You must use it as an EFFECT in AUM, for example, while it is clearly a source (an actual synthesizer capable of originating its own sounds). When used as an AU, only one of the two channels is available in any one slot. Being an AU, you should be able to launch more than one instance of Spacecraft. But sadly, that will not work. Doing so results in crashing both instances. The other major problem at this point in its history is that the ap will not save your work; it has no ability to save presets. However, the developer assures us that this feature is coming in a future release. If these things were fixed, my personal opinion of Spacecraft would go up to rate it at least at four stars because I could actually use it and really exploit its otherwise very good capabilities. Show more
  • Ben Efitofadoubt, 29.06.2018
    A fantastic app that is well suited for formal projects or for just hours of noodling. This should cost a lot more. Recommended!
  • QuinnX., 27.06.2018
    Nice for the price
    Really nice app for dabbling into granulated sound. A couple of things I feel would be useful. Copy Osc/wave1 to Osc/wav2 and all settings or visa versa. link playback of both so when we play 1 the other mimics the same. Cross fade: when we reduce volume on one the other is increased.(this could also be done through linking) Could do with an amplitude envelope on each wave BUG: v1.0.1 There is a noticeable delay when touching wave and hearing sound and screen update. Show more
  • Joevst, 27.06.2018
    I love it. In future updates I’d like to see patch saving, BPM Lfo Rate sync as well as scanning from 0-100 no matter the sample length. Keep it up!!
  • SMKartiat, 25.06.2018
    Audio Share support MISSING!
    This is actually a cool granular synth app. Like most apps of this style, access to your audio files is critical for the complete enjoyment of this instrument. The controls are really nice. The addition of a sequencer really make this granular synth standout, making live performance that much easier. So why only 3 stars? True IAA support is MISSING. My audiobus 3 and Beatmaker 3 do not see it an instrument, and sorry but effect “only” IAA is not good enough. Not when you can make some amazing stuff now but can not use it in your AB3 and Beatmaker 3. But the biggest infraction: NO AUDIOSHARE SUPPORT! ((Where is it?)) This is a granular synth and the first thing you should be programing in is an option to go directly to your audioshare and grab your waves. This should be a rule for EVERY programmer when it comes to developing user sample/wave dependent synths like granulars: get your audioshare protocols handled FIRST. Get that done and out of the way before you even look at posting into the app store. Roll out the next update with direct to audioshare and I’ll change the rating to 4 stars. Audioshare and true IAA support so my Audiobus 3 and Beatmaker 3 can use this as an instrument gets you all 5 stars. Make this happen asap, please, you got a good app here. Show more
  • GadgetMojo, 24.06.2018
    This app... it’s so ? very powerful!
    I thought it’s like a simple sounding synth at first. But after watching some YouTube on it got curious and bought it.. wow it just sounds beautiful and versatile (and very simple to use which is usually not come together). You pick/record a sound and search through it or rather play through it for various sounds, most of which sound very interesting and organic. It’s a pre-release so the price is low and some features aren’t there. But it’s all coming soon. Really happy I got it! Show more
  • MattJasper, 24.06.2018
    The sound quality is beautifully odd
    Very creative sound design possibilities. My ear seeks out odd delays such as the Korg sdd-3300 or old tape delays and various ring modulators and samples of car springs being tapped etc. This app keeps the sound very alive, to my ear— yet adds otherworldly hues. Show more
  • SlowlyIturn, 24.06.2018
    After one minute, I'll testify this thing sounds and feels great. I have lots of granular apps, along with many other things. This puts a big grin on my face right from the start, and even after typing for a minute or more I cannot stop smiling. Beautiful. Show more
  • BDB-1958, 23.06.2018
    Very slick granular synth!
    Great work by a new developer. Cool and very intuitive user interface, and the sounds you can make with this are very interesting. I look forward to seeing some of the functionalities mature and will be watching this space carefully. Thanks for giving me hours of fun with this! Show more
  • synthguru1, 23.06.2018
    Buy it now
    This is the best three bucks a synthesist can spend on the App Store. I've never been a fan of granular synthesis until now. This is truly a new musical instrument that encourages improvisation and takes iPad live performance to a new level. Yep - I love it!! Show more
  • Gern Blasnton, 23.06.2018
    Artistic, Musical, a Classic
    Kudos to the developer, a work of art. A fantastic sound palette just mix your own colors..
  • WendysFrostyCarlos, 23.06.2018
    Ppl spend $400-$500 for pedals that try to do what this does. HOF app.