Carnival of the Animals Lite
Naxos presents a thoroughly entertaining musical app for children based on Camille Saint-Saëns’s ever-popular ‘Carnival of the Animals’.
Enhanced with animation and brand new rhyming verses, the carnival has never been so alive! Tap the pictures – they’re full of surprises…
Is the Elephant happy with his trunk? Do Kangaroos like school? What about the poor old tortoise – does he ever get out and have fun?
With Naxos’s excellent recording of the music and delightful, animated illustrations of all Saint-Saëns’s ‘animals’, this app will charm those of all ages!
“Prowling and proud,
Right at the front,
Is a fine feline
With a nose for the hunt…”
- Naxos’s complete orchestral recording of ‘The Carnival of the Animals’.
- Colourful, original illustrations, animated throughout.
- Brand new verses written for each track – a new dimension to the pieces.
- Text displayed and narrated with the music.
- Audio options: music and speech, music only, speech only, or just the sound-effects.
- Find out about the composer, Saint-Saëns.
App Privacy
The developer, Naxos Global Distribution Ltd, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy
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The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.
Age Rating4+
Size105.01 MB
ProviderNaxos Digital Services Ltd.
2004-2025 Naxos Global Distribution Ltd. All rights reserved.